Chapter 23 - Moving On

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A week after their tour of the farmhouse, the Snape family had officially purchased the sprawling residence.

Unlike the farmer, Severus was a man who worked in his office every day, with a heavily pregnant wife, two children, and a house elf at home.

Severus had wisely enlisted a realtor from the wizarding world to assist with the sale of the house that he and Harriet currently occupied.

Harriet didn't know which she despised more, the never-ending appointments of people the realtor brought by to view her residence, or packing up all of her family's belongings to move.

It felt like an invasion of privacy to Harriet, having potential buyers parade through her home and look at her rooms, her things, and her nest.

Packing up to move felt like a violation of her memories with Severus.

Harriet had just entered her seventh month and even though she didn't have to do any heavy-lifting, due to Darby's kind assistance and the omega's own ability to move objects with magic, moving was still a very stressful process for her.

As each room in her home gradually turned into nothing more than a sparse, desolate stack of boxes, Harriet felt that the years of her life she had spent there with Severus were being discarded.

The Dursleys' dwelling had never held any fondness.

Hogwarts had been much more welcoming, but her school days hadn't been filled with the same intimacy, the warmth, and the love she had experienced under the roof that she was preparing to leave.

As Harriet packed the children's belongings, she thought of the moments that she and Severus had gotten to witness together in Albus's and Lily's young lives.

Albus's first steps, Lily's first crawl, their first breaths......

As Harriet boxed the dishes and the silverware in the kitchen, she thought of the many family meals they had been used for, and the romantic, candlelit dinners that she and Severus had indulged in before Albus had made them parents.

The bedroom that Harriet shared with Severus was the most difficult area of all for her to sort.

Her hands trembled as she removed the clothing from the dresser and the closet, pulled the sheets from the bed, and placed what few knick knacks and books hung on the wall's shelves into storage so they could be transported to the farmhouse.

Harriet used her wand to condense the bed into a convenient, handheld, travel package, just as she had with the rest of the furniture.

After that simple motion, it was done.

The room was sadly vacant, with the exception of Harriet's nest that still covered the floor.

The sunlight streamed through the window and fell on the soft blankets.

Tears welled in Harriet's green eyes as she looked around her bedroom and thought back over the years........

On the bed, Harriet could see Severus making love to her and wrapping her protectively in his arms.

She could see the pride in his black eyes when he watched her hold their newborns for the first time, in her nest that was currently spread out over the wooden floor.

Harriet could still remember the pain she had felt when Albus and Lily had been born, and the way Severus had held her in his strong arms while he purred quiet words of encouragement into her ear.

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