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        "How do I get out of this tree?" 
        'Are you crazy? I'll die.'
        "I'll catch you."
        "I swear on my life." 
        'Okay...' you push yourself off the branch, Sakura floats besides you and reaches to grab your arm. Unfortunately you body just continues to fall through hers, she did not catch you. The landing was painful and kind of a shock but nothing broke, surprisingly. 'I thought you said you were going to catch me?'
        "I tried, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
        'Nothings hurt but my body. Your body actually.' 
        "It wasn't that high, don't be a baby."
        'You're the baby, I just jumped out of a high tree for you. I could have broken my neck! Your ninja career would be over.'
        "That could probably be fixed." 
        'Whatever, it's the last time I trust you. Let's just go get Naruto.' You slowly make your way towards the tree that he's hanging from. You step carefully towards him, pulling a kunai out. He stared down at you. 

        "Hey Sakura, what are you doing here?" He asked and you just shrug. Before you knew it something tightened around your foot and you were hanging upside down beside Naruto. 
        "Hi." You mutter, huffing at your carelessness. He grins. 
        "How's this rescue mission going?" He asked jokingly. You press your forehead against his.
        "Great," with a couple swings of your arm you cut Naruto down and you're left hanging. "Naruto, help me-" you cut yourself off when you realize he already left. "Seriously, real helpful." You mutter and Sakura giggles at you. 'Shut up Sakura, you're the one who looks like a fool here.' You mumble in your head, 'Untie the rope.'
        "How do I do that?" She asks, looking at the knot. 
        'Just concentrate on it, concentrate on existing in this world to do it.' You reply and feel a tug on the rope before you fall to the ground. 'You couldn't have warned me first?' Falling from trees may become your calling card, comic relief who?
        "Sorry, I didn't think it would work. Now what do you plan to do?"
        "Find Naruto, flick his forehead, ask him to work with me." You have an idea where he might be, that's the way you're heading. "Fishy, Kitty! What's going on here? Need some help bud?"
        "What's with you and animal nicknames?" 
        "What's wrong with animal nicknames?"
        "Aren't they kind of an insult? I mean, I've never heard of a cool fish."
        "Adjust your definition of cool then."
        "No way, you're trying to trick me into thinking Sasuke's cool!" 
        "I don't care about how cool you think Sasuke is, let me help you down so we can get the bells yeah?"
        "Sorry Kura, I want to get the bell on my own." He says, struggling against the ropes. 
        "Kura?" You wonder out loud and he nods eagerly. 
        "Yeah, you're giving people nicknames so I decided to give you one." He explains happily.
        "Kura..... not bad little fish." You reply and grin back, slowly cutting the ropes that hold him. "For that you're free to go." The bell rings before he can even react and Kakashi has him tied up in less then a minute. Duckie soon walks up behind you, joining your little group. 
        "Sasuke!" Sakura squeals when she sees him and you all sit in the grass next to Naruto. Kakashi starts explaining something while you talked to Sakura. 
        'I want to train myself to be a better ninja after this today.' You tell Sakura. 
        "That's smart, oh. Did you know they have this thing called a cellphone? You can talk to people through it or just send messages, take pictures, videos, and play games. I can't believe we don't have anything like it yet." She exclaims in excitement. Babbling on and on about what she knows about the cellphone. You sigh and turn your attention back to Kakashi, everyone once again staring at you. 
        "Would you stop staring?" You ask.  
        "Sakura, would you come with me. I'd like to talk to you." Kakashi says, gesturing for you to follow him.
        "Okay, but if it's a lecture then please know I won't pay much attention." You follow him to a secluded part of the training grounds, was he about to murder you? "Why did you make me come out here?" You question him.
        "You seem to know more then you should and I'd like some answers." He says, crossing his arms and staring at you. You blink at him, glancing nervously at Sakura. 
        "Well...... you see." You glance up at Sakura, her nod confirming that you should trust him. "I'm not Sakura." You say and he seems unfazed until you point at Sakura, "that's Sakura."

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