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You sat in the ramen shop, poking your chopsticks around the noodles. It was good, very good. However you missed other foods, from your world. "Is the ramen bad?" You glance over at the person sitting two seats over.

"Temari? Kankuro?" You looked around her at the boy, who ignored you and opted to order instead. Temari gave her order and turned to you.

"How are you Sakura?"

"Hmm? I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm alright, I've heard you've been hanging out with that Tenten chick?" You nod, still pushing the noddles around. "She has some interesting techniques, I have to admit."

"She's been teaching me sealing, she's very good at that kind of stuff."

"I heard you're training with the green guys."

"Who? Where are you hearing all this?"

"Uhh, no where. Forget I said anything." She picked up her chopsticks as her food was served to her. it's quiet for a moment.

"....I'm just looking into everything, I can't say I'm particularly good at being a ninja but I have a lot of options to choose from. I could be a medical ninja, I could focus on seals or ninjutsu. So many options, maybe too many."

"You could be that person with a hundred animal summons." Temari said and you stared at her. "

"Animal summons?"

"Yeah. you know. Animal summons, you could be a crazy summons lady."

"What's the point of them?"

"Well there's summons for any type of fighting style."

"Can you get multiples for different fighting styles? Like, jack of all trades but a master of none."

"Jack of all trades but a master of none.... is that a good thing?"

"Yes, a close combat fighter should have some tricks for range fighting too and vice versa."

"Wait, vice versa?"

"Yeah, it means something along the lines of switching the order of the situation or whatever. Basically the vice versa of what I said is a range fighter needs tricks for close combat too."

"Huh, you're full of weird words and phrases."

"I suppose it would be weird, anyway. Do you want any summon animals?" You start to eat your food again, the conversation distracted your craving for other foods for the time being.

"I kind of want a weasel or a ferret, they're small and long and I love that."

"How can those be useful in a fight? They're so small...."

"People have slug summons, toad summons, snakes. Although they're usually giant, I'm sure I can find some use for a ferret or weasel summon." You waited for her to say she was joking but she didn't.

"Wait, you're serious? Giant slugs?" She nods. "Are there giant wasps too?"

"It's possible, I hate the idea of that though."

"So do I, they're angry needle bugs."

"Just tell her what you came here to tell her so I can eat in peace." Kankuro says, staring at Temari a moment before rolling his eyes and returning his attention to his food. You couldn't see the look Temari gave him, you assume it wasn't a happy expression.

"I'm sorry about him," she says once she turns back to you.

"That's alright, what did you come here to tell me?"

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