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"Sakura." You snap your attention back to Kakashi, "It's not your fault."

"Yeah but.. it kind of is."

"You didn't attack the village."

"I didn't stop it either." You mutter back, you'd attended the funerals for the lives lost during the attack today. It wasn't just random faceless ninja that died, it was real people. Kids you'd seen around, people who cheered for you during your fight with Haku. And the Hokage, he'd passed away during the night. Unsurprising but still upsetting for many nonetheless.

"Still, you can't carry that burden around with you."

"I can't help it."

"I know.." He pulls you in for a hug, you find yourself needing hugs often these days. "You should go to the gates."

"The gates?"

"Naruto is departing today to go find the next Hokage, I assume you know who."

"Maybe.. you think he'll be mad at me?"

"No, I don't think Naruto has the bones to be mad at you." He reassures, pulling away. "Now go, see him off."

You nod, making a quick trip to the bathroom to wash your face. You weren't quick on your way, you didn't really believe that Naruto wouldn't be upset. But it seemed like he was waiting for you at the gate when you arrived anyway.

"Kura!" You're crushed in a hug, you're a bit slower to return the hug then you meant to be but he doesn't seem to notice that. "I'm glad you showed up, are you coming?"

"Coming where?"

"With us to get the next Hokage, of course." He said, pulling you toward a tall man before you could reply. "Pervy sage, this is Sakura. She's a psychic."

"Hi.." You say, though it's unlikely he heard you m

"Naruto, don't call me that in front of people!" Naruto doesn't seem to care what he says.

"Kura, this is Jiraiya. He trained me for the exams, he's like my new Kakashi. White hair and everything."

You can't stop the laugh that escapes your mouth at that comment, "Naruto. If he heard you he'd kick your butt."

Naruto glanced around quickly. "I don't see him."

"You wouldn't see him if he didn't want you to."

He slowed his scanning down, squinting his eyes. "I'll see him."

You shake your head and look at Jiraiya, "nice to meet you."

"It's an honor to meet the great psychic of konoha."

"Yeah, I've read your books."

"You what."

"Uh-huh. They're teaching them in schools now."

"They're what?" He looks horrified, the idea of his books being taught to children. "Why didn't you tell me Naruto?"

"I don't remember being assigned reading.."

"We were, you just never did it."

"I'm going to make sure that gets removed, those are not kid friendly."

"Shame, they were alright. Did you base them in real people?"

"Nope, it's all straight from my noggin."

"And the bath houses." Naruto mutters.

"Well, that explains a lot." You remind yourself of how this whole conversation started. "Oh, yeah, I'm not going with you. I'm sorry, I just.. I'm in time out."

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