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        Your job was literally to just lay there and that's what you did, for hours and hours. It felt like you had gray hair by the time anything happened, and by anything I mean Naruto arriving. He dropped to his knees beside you, clearly upset at your passing. 

        'What should I do?' You ask Sakura, when no answer came you assume she's woken up from her nap. 

        "Sakura.... I'm so sorry this happened to you, if I had only come here sooner." He cried, you feel guilty but Gato could be watching so you don't respond or move at all. "I'll avenge you, I'll keep Sasuke safe for you." He runs off after he makes his typical type of hero promise. 

        'For me or for you?' You wonder, letting out your breath slowly. You hear Sasuke yell at Naruto, apparently their spar turned into a full out battle like the one in the anime and they had forgotten about the knucklehead completely. You decide it would be best to just sleep, almost immediately you wake up in your world to find Sakura sitting in your bed with your laptop in front of her. "What are you watching?" She almost jumps out of the bed.

        "Jesus! Don't sneak up on me." She whisper yells.


        She breathes a sigh of relief seeing as it was just you, settling back into your bed. The changes she made to your body wasn't all that much, your hair was now midway down your back and she had definitely dug into the makeup your mom kept buying. Whether that was because it was on sale or what, you never really knew. 

        "That's reasonable.... what are you watching?" You float down to look over her shoulder. 

        "Supernatural, I just started it yesterday and I'm only on season two so no spoilers. Can I just say, I was promised something called Castiel and they've yet to deliver." 

        "Cas doesn't show up for awhile I don't think, but did you really get to season two in two days? Is that even possible with all the sleeping you've been doing?"

        "I know, it sounds impossible. You're so high maintenance, you know that (Y/n)?" 

        "Yeah well you're relatively safe here, while I'm pretending to be dead on a bridge to save two men's lives."         

        "Shhh, Sammy is being adorable. Either be quiet or go back to playing dead." She demands, you don't get a chance to respond as you're awoken by a kick to the stomach. 

        "Ow," whoever kicked you jumped away in surprise. 

        "Crap, it's alive." You open your eyes and look at your surroundings, Gato had arrived and all of the fighting had stopped. 

        "Sakura! You're alive!" Naruto basically yelled into your ear as he hugged you, his tears starting soaking your shirt. 

        "Yes, I'm all fine and dandy except for that kick. Thanks for that." You push Naruto away gently and stand up. "What's going on? Did we win?" Looking around the battle field you see that Tazuna is still dead, Haku isn't wearing his mask, and Sasuke looks pretty beat up. 

        "Don't trust Sasuke Sakura, he turned on me. Him and that boy were fighting against me," Naruto whispered quiet loudly in your ear. You forgot he wasn't around for the plan for like half a second. 

        "Please don't breathe in my face."


        "What's going on here? I mean I can see you killed the bridge builder but you left this sleeping girl alone?" Gato asked Zabuza, motioning to you. 

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