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You toss and turn for hours, your usually comfortable bed felt lumpy and too warm. The world outside was dark when you finally give up, laying still on the mattress as you stare at the wall. You hadn't seen Sakura at all during the little bouts of sleep you managed to get. You couldn't stop thinking about what you'd been told.

You were a magnet? You weren't going home at all? You couldn't help but grieve your world. Sure, they could be wrong as things were clearly quite different for you, but you couldn't help but fear they might be right.

Movement from your desk, the little sand mouse scurried to the edge to stare at you. Could Gaara see through it? Just in case you wipe away any tears that may be threatening to spill over and pick up your mouse. "I haven't named you yet, have I?" You listen to the sand it's made of move, it's almost relaxing. "What do you think about.. Mascarpone."

It makes no noise, as it doesn't really have a voicebox. Or lungs. But you're sure it likes it.

"Good, now.. I'm going to take a shower, please stay out here." You request, setting Mascarpone on your pillow and get up to collect some clothes. The warm water helps you find every little wound you have, which is many. You're surprised you weren't healed more, though you suppose they had more to worry about. After your shower, you can't help but stare at your relection, looking at your eyes. If you were going to go back to your own body, why was yours here changing? And Sakura's.. or yours technically, the hair was still refusing to allow her to change it. Little scratching at the door bring you out of the bathroom, Mascarpone is right outside holding piece of paper. A little one, like from a handheld notebook.

"What's this?" You ask, taking it from it. Little mousey teeth holes are in the paper but it's still readable. It's a request to meet, somewhere just outside the village. No date, no time. "Where did this come from?"

You should be cautious, you know you should, but you're desperately curious about who it is. What they want.. It's not like you were doing much sleeping anyway, right? But then again, you didn't have Sakura to help you. You sigh, setting the paper down. "I shouldn't depend on her all the time, what if she isn't coming back?"

You pull on your shoes, collecting some simple gear. It's a bad idea, you know it is, but things have worked out well so far. As soon as you step out of your house footsteps fall in beside you. You jump, "Kakashi?"

"Hello. We're going for a late night stroll?" He asks, you know you can't shake him. But you're not sure you should tell him..

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep."

"Let me make you some tea, come back to my house." Sure, it ruins your plans, but you desperately wanted to sleep and see Sakura. If you could.

"Okay, do you guys have sleeping pills here?" He blinked.

"We have poison."

"That'll do it." He shakes his head at how ridiculous you are.

"I'll see if anyone has something to help you sleep more regularly." He promises, and that's good enough for you. You reach into your pocket to hold the note, making sure it's still there. "And what is it that you're hiding from me?"

"I'm not hiding a thing."

"You were going somewhere with a purpose, and I can hear the paper in your pocket that you seem so protective of. What is it?"

"It's an admirers letter, of course. I'm very popular here."

He hums, you know he doesn't believe you. "Who's it from?"

"Not a clue, I was just about to find out. Another time maybe." He holds out his hand, you ignore it for a minute before giving in under his relentless stare. Hesitantly you hand the paper over. He looks it over silently. "Would you really have gone here alone?"

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