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    'What is it Sakura?' You asked after she had frantically demanded you stop, was it deep or something?
   "There's ninjas in there, please be more careful." She said with worry lacing her voice, though you weren't sure if she was worried about you or her body. 
   'Oh, then thank you.' You walked around, your hyper mood dampened as Sakura went on to explain the near events and you fell back towards the group. You ignored the suspicious glances in your direction from your teammates and wrapped your hand around a kunai handle. You all spun around when you heard the lapping wave noise behind you, gaze immediately falling upon the chains around Kakashi-sensei. As they were pulling the chains you launched a kunai at the closest of the two. It would not have hit it's mark if Sakura hadn't used her ghostly abilities to slide it into the first exposed flesh she could find. 
   "Ow! You're next girlie." The injured nin growled and pulled out the kunai. 
   "Don't let her get in the way of our mission," His friend reminded him, but he didn't seem to take notice of it. The two of them launched their attack. 
   "No, this isn't right! It's not like it was in the anime." Sakura shrieked as one acted as a distraction while the other, who was intended to attack the bridge builder, focused solely on you. You must have really ticked him off. You used what ever you could to block his attacks, but he still hit you pretty good every once in awhile. 
        'Maybe you didn't hurt him in the anime?'
        "Well, I didn't throw a kunai at him at all. I just protected the bridge builder."
        'Well that explains it then doesn't it?'
   ​​"What are you doing? Attack the bridge builder! It's what we were hired to do," the distraction blurted. With that Kakashi made his appearance, quickly securing them to a tree. 
   "Are Jounin's trained to tie things fast?" You joked, remembering how quickly he tied Naruto to a post just the other week. Unsurprisingly, no one laughed. Honestly you wouldn't have either, mostly because you were hurting from that attack. 
   "Are you okay?" Naruto asked you, hesitantly touching your arm. 
   "He didn't cut you anywhere did he?" Kakashi asked, looking for any trace of blood. 
   "No, I don't think so. I'll just be sore in the morning." You respond with a smile before turning to your teammates. "You guys okay?" 
   "Hn, of course I'm fine." Sasuke replied first, sending a taunting look in Naruto's direction. 
   "I'm okay I think, just a small scratch." Naruto says and ignores Sasuke, looking at the small wound. 
   "Their claws were dipped in poison, we'll have to get it out of your body." With that sensei turned his attention toward the ninjas. You decided to look over Naruto's wound. 
   'How do I deal with this Sakura?' You ask mentally. 'Sakura?' You call out for her when she doesn't respond, looking around for her. 
   "Did you see something Kura?" Naruto asks.  
   "I thought I saw someone," you say the first excuse that comes to mind, everyone tenses up. 
   "You sure Sakura?" Kakashi asks, his hand hovering over his ninja pouch. 
   "It was probably just a ghost." You lay heavy emphasis on the word ghost and Kakashi relaxes. 
   "Ah, I see. We should probably head home, this is not a C-rank mission." He says, standing up. "Plus Sakura and Naruto need some medical attention." 
   "What? Come on, I've been in worse condition. One time I was playing kickball and broke my ankle, I also broke my toes jumping off our deck into the snow and....." You trailed off at the suspicious looks. "I mean, Ow? I'm in so much pain? Never have I ever felt pain before?" You scrambled to find a way out if the ditch you dug. 
   "Right yes, never has she ever. But Naruto still needs it-" He spoke too soon as Naruto stabbed his hand with a kunai. 
   "Nice going, now you don't have to worry about poison. Just bleeding to death!" Sarcasm drips from your words and he flinches. 
   "I don't want to be a burden, I'm a ninja! And I swear by the pain in my hand I'm going to protect our client!" Naruto spoke with determination and you sighed. 
   "That's great Naruto, but-" 
   "Here lies Naruto. A great fish, rest in peace." You cut him off and toss a few wildflowers that you picked at Naruto. "Now that that's done, can we go. I need food and sleep." Your attitude took a turn for the worst and Kakashi started bandaging his hand, while you struck up friendly conversation with Sasuke. "Yo."
   "Whatcha doing?" 
   "Exciting, me? Nothing much, just standing here talking to you. Your conversation skills are amazing you know that, you should teach me." You rambled. 
   "Sorry to interrupt this.... Meaningful conversation, we got things to do. Places to go?" 

​   "Right, let's go finish our mission." You agree, though that wasn't necessarily what Kitty had meant. You started walking and slowly, but surely, your team started following. 

   You let your fingers trail in the waters that surround you, Tazuna explained why he had strong ninjas after him in a hushed tone as Kakashi-sensei weighed his options. You really had no interest in the conversation as Sakura had explained everything already during the journey to the boat. Instead you wanted to sleep, having walked a long distance and waking up early. On top of all that, it was the weekend at home and Sakura was allowed to sleep in as late as she felt necessary. So you stay in silence as the waves rocked the boat in a sweet lullaby. 
   "Sakura, don't fall asleep. Wait until we get to Tazuna's." Kakashi said and splashed some water on your face to make you more aware. You weren't very far from the shore which was disappointing since it meant you'd have to walk again. 

   "Oh, fishy." You say, noticing the creature following your finger. 

   "Huh?" Naruto asks, responding to the nickname you hadn't called him for awhile.

   "In the water," you clarify. 

   "Oh! Where?" He asks excitedly, leaning over to your side of the boat while looking for it. The fish darts away as the boat flips from the uneven weight, sending everyone into the water. "Sakura! Now look what you did." 

   "Me? You're the one who-"

   "You're the one who told him about the fish." Sasuke sides with Naruto. You stare at the two of them in annoyance before sending a wave of water at them. 

   "No wonder people think you're a couple!" You say, turning away and swimming toward the shore. 

   "No one thinks we're a couple." Sasuke replies, following you to the shore. 

   "That's not what I've heard." 

   "What? What have you heard?" Naruto asks, keeping close to you. 

   "Doesn't matter, according to Sasuke they aren't true anyways." 

   "Someone has been saying we're a couple?" Sasuke wonders, you don't respond and instead follow Kakashi and Tazuna to the shore. Once you're on dry land you help flip for boat over, letting the guy leave with a slightly wet seat. 
   "Can't we just rest a little longer?" You whine, "wet clothes aren't fun to walk in." You add, but they continue walking anyways. You wait a minute before catching up to them. 

   "...Sakura, someone has been saying we're a couple?" Sasuke asks again. You nod, though it was a lie. "That explains so much..."

   "It does?" You look at Sasuke as you walk, "like what?"

   "You," he responds and pulls ahead of you. 

   "Wha.... You've got that all wrong, I don't like you because... Because you're a self centered duck." His face twisted into a scowl as he looks back at you, "yeah. I went there." You push past him and sulk quietly in front of Kakashi. Naruto started throwing kunai into the bushes. 

   "Naruto, those aren't toys so please don't throw then around." Kakashi grunted.

   "Wait, they're not? But...." 

   "Please tell me you're joking (Y- ahem.... Sakura." Kakashi almost blurts. 

   "Of course, of course." 

   "(Y-? Who's that?" Sasuke asks, Naruto directed his attention toward the conversation too. 

   "Oh, look at that! A perfectly timed flying sword." 

   "Everyone get down!" Kakashi yells and everyone drops to the ground.

   "....I haven't even thrown it yet." Zabuza complains as he stalks grumpily out of the trees. 

   "Oh, sorry. We'll pretend we didn't see you and you can throw it." You tell him, standing up to dust off. "Let me practice my surprise and scared face first though." 

   "Okay," he says while turning on his heels. 

   "Woah woah woah, no. No we won't, we already saw you!" Kakashi called and Zabuza sighs unhappily. 

   "You ruined my grand entrance...." He wedged the blade of his sword into a tree and jumped on it. "My name is Zabuza Momochi." 

   "Rest in Peace Sakura."

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