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"Do you want my autograph or something?"

"Yes, I'm your biggest fan." Kabuto holds out a pen and a small notebook.

"Oh, you really are. Who should I make it out to?" You ask, flipping through the pages to find an empty one. He steps in to help you find one.

"Kabuto, K-a-b-u-t-o." He watches you sign it before flipping to another empty page. "One more?"

"Sure, sure."

"O. R. O. This is your second biggest fan by the way, he finds you to be very interesting." You nod, waiting for the next letter and not really listening to what he's saying. You just wanted to get this over with, he gave you bad vibes. "C-h-i-m-a-r-u."

"That's a weird looking name. Anyways, here you go, is that all kiddo?"

"Kiddo? I'm flattered you think I'm so young." He takes the book back and starts writing something of his own.

"I feel like you just suggested that I'm really young, like six."

"I don't think that, I find you to be very mature for your age." That didn't reassure you at all.

"You don't know me well enough then buddy." You finger guns as you take an unconscious step back.

"I can change that."

"No, you know what they say. You should never meet your heroes," you were really uncomfortable at this point.

"Too late, we've already met." He ripped the page out of his notebook and held it out for you, pulling it out of reach when you went to grab it. "You are very interesting Sakura, it's strange that this.... talent has only come to light recently wouldn't you agree? I mean, you come from a family of nobodies but you're an all-knowing psychic?"

"What about it?"

"Nothing," he lets you grab the paper. "Just know, we have our eye on you Sakura. Don't try to mess with our plans." You glance at the paper.


"If you knew anything about Orochimaru you wouldn't need an or."

"I know enough, what's the or?" You didn't like him acting like he was controlling this conversation, it made everything way more terrifying.

"You don't need an or Sakura, you're shaking."

"It's cold," you lie.

"You're scared enough." You put the note into your pocket, grabbing onto the socks.

"You're the one that's scared, you're scared that I'll tell the Hokage. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, tell me the or."

"Why do you want to know so bad?" You didn't have an answer for that, maybe you wanted to be sure of what he was threatening. Maybe you needed to know so you could decide if it was worth it. "You're psychic, figure it out yourself."

"Fine.... I will." You turn around and head towards your house, Kabuto followed behind you a few feet. "Why are you following me?"

"I'm not, I'm going this way too." He said, an awkward silence settled over both of you as you walked down the same street.

"Well, this is my stop." He glances around him, his eyes settling on the Hokage's office.


"I don't think you have an or, I think your threat is empty so there's nothing to stop me from telling on you."

"Fine, I'll tell you. You're so stupidly stubborn," he mutters and shakes his head as he keeps walking towards your home. You follow, a little unsurely, but you're still moving behind him. "Don't you like walking with me, just the two of us?"

Switched With a Fangirl (Various!Naruto X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now