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The small group sitting in the kitchen watched the oven anxiously, making sure the pizza wasn't burning. You had dragged Sasuke and Kakashi to the store to buy the ingredients and, of course, Kakashi had paid for everything as you had no money on you. You look over the small group of people who were going to try pizza tonight, Sasuke and Kakashi were obviously here, seeing as one lives here and the other was dragged along. Naruto and Haku were quick to find you after their fight so you invited them over and they were now sitting at the table playing a card game with Kiba and Shino. You had also invited Gaara and his siblings along but they turned down the invitation, probably due to Sasuke glaring at them from behind you. Sakura was awake in your world now, leaving you to deal with them by yourself. Choji had promised to come but only if Shikamaru could come, they had yet to show up. "Is it done yet?" Kakashi asked, he was beyond ready to go to sleep but wasn't willing to leave his house unattended. You look over it from your place on the counter, hopping off to get a closer look.

"I believe it is," you grab some hot pads and pull it out. The cheese was melted and the crust was golden brown, definitely done. Of course, there weren't any pizza pans that you could find so it was a rectangular pizza with a thicker than usual crust, but pizza is pizza.

"That doesn't look very good...." Haku admits, scrunching up his nose at the new smell.

"That looks delicious!" Naruto yells, abandoning his cards to crowd you as you cut the pizza. He takes the first piece available, shoving it in his mouth without a second thought. "Hot," he breathes out but keeps eating anyways.

"You could have waited, you know," Sasuke says as you put the pizza and a bunch of plates on the table. Everyone helps themselves while you put the next one in the oven, grabbing your own slice.

"Why would I wait? I wanted to taste it first and we all know Sakura would have given the first piece to you if given the chance."

"That is not true, I put it in the middle of the table for everyone. How could you think I'm playing favorites Naruto?" You pout, looking for everyone's reactions. "So, what do you guys think?"

"It's so good!" Naruto continued speaking loudly through a mouthful of cheese.

"I'd eat it again...." Kiba says as though he's a judge on one of those food shows and Haku nods in agreement.

"It tastes better than it looks, how did you make this?"

"Oh, well I made the crust and put some sauce on it-" You start explaining, ready to give everyone a copy of the recipe.

"I mean, how did you first hear about this? I've never heard of anything called pizza."

"Right, duh. I thought of it during a dream once, this is my first time making it. I'm amazed it turned out so well honestly," you wave your hand dismissively. You leave the room to answer the door, letting Choji and Shikamaru in. "Hey, you made it."

"Yeah, sorry it took so long. Shikamaru was hard to convince...."

"It's been a long week, I wanted to take a nap first." He defended himself, nodding to you as he walks in. You point them to the kitchen, hanging back a bit to cool off after having spent hours working in there. You hadn't invited Deidara over, mostly due to the fact that Kakashi was there, and anyone else you could think of was in the hospital after their fight.

"Hey Sakura?" Naruto pokes his head out of the kitchen, he continues after making sure he had your attention. "I think the pizza is done...."

"I've barely been out here Naruto," you point out to the blonde.

"Can it be done though?"

"No Naruto, you have to be patient." He pouts but goes back to the table, all the pizza was gone by the time you got back. It makes you feel very warm and fuzzy inside, proud of your cooking skills. You get to work on making a third pizza, one you'll make after everyone leaves, to bring to everyone else. After everything's put away, and the dishes are washed, the exhaustion from the day washes over you. "Goodnight Kakashi," you say as you get comfortable on the couch. He hangs the hand towel on the oven, looking over at you.

"Aren't you going home?"

"Do I have to?" He nods and you huff at him, "why?"

"You haven't seen your parents in several days and I'm not scheduled to babysit today." You're silent for a moment.

"It has been several weeks now hasn't it?" He narrows his eyes in confusion.

"Didn't you just got home a few days ago?"

"I went to Sakura's house a few days ago, saw her parents." Apparently, he hadn't really thought about your life in your world, but then again, neither had you. "I wonder how they're doing." You say this more to yourself than him, he shrugs anyways.

"Do you miss them...?" He seems hesitant to ask, not wanting to make you sad or anything similar.

"Yeah, I suppose I do." He raises his eyebrow and you go on, "my world can be really boring at times. Boring and draining, this is the most adventure I will ever get. And while there is a part of me that misses my world, and the people in it, there is an even bigger part of me that never wants to leave this one. I like the people too much, I feel connected to everyone. I feel like a kind of belong here?" You finish with uncertainty. While it's true, you do feel like you belong here, it feels more like you're meant to be here. Like you're following the plot to someone's story, despite the fact that you're doing everything in your power to change the real story. "I would like to see Sakura more though, I miss her. It's nice having her around, you're missing out."

"I don't know if it's possible for you to stay, I don't know if it's possible for you to go back either. We'll have to wait until we have a chance to go and talk to the ladies." You know immediately that he's referring to the girls from that photo.

"When will that be?" You already know that it will be awhile.

"I don't know," he admits with a sigh before flopping onto the couch beside you. "I will be training Sasuke up until the third exam, I won't have time to take a long trip with you." You knew this much already, "who are you training with?"

"I was going to bounce between people, learn anything I can." You shrug, having no actual plan. "Maybe ask Zabuza if he'd be interested in training me a bit, I believe Sakura is a water bender.

"A what?"

"Someone who controls water."

"You mean her chakra nature?" You nod, deciding that must be the term. "You should double check on that (Y/n), some things may have changed with you being in control of her body. Iruka mentioned earlier that your chakra seemed bigger than it was a few weeks ago, I told him that was probably due to your psychic powers unlocking but since you're not actually a psychic...."

"What do you mean I'm not actually a psychic?" You act like he had just insulted you, his one eye rolled.

"I mean exactly that," he almost sounds amused. "You may know the future but the way you get the information is not through visions or a crystal ball, it's cheatsy."

"Oh I'm sorry, who's the psychic here?" You ask, continuing before he can say anything. "That's what I thought."

"You didn't give me time to answer."

"Alright go ahead, who's the psychic here?"

"...You are." He answers once he realizes you're the closest thing to a psychic he's ever met. "Barely."

"Get off my bed old man!" You snap at him, trying to physically remove him from the couch. "You have insulted me, in my own house, long enough. Shoo."

"It's my house," he says while allowing you to push him to his feet.

"Oh yeah, can I move in?"

"Can you move in?" He repeats and you roll your eyes.

"May I move in?"

"That wasn't the problem- You know what? Never mind, the answer is no whether it's can or may."

"Why not?" You ask, genuinely curious as to why you weren't allowed to just bring the small amount of stuff you had over.

"Because, as far as most people are concerned, you're still Sakura and you should remain with her family." You pout as he makes his way upstairs. "Don't stay up too late!" He yells from the top, his door closing moments afterward. You grumble to yourself a bit before curling up on the couch, using one of those soft blankets and a throw pillow to help you sleep more comfortably.

"Goodnight Kakashi," you say even though he can't hear you and can't respond.

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