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You sneeze loudly, were you coming down with something or was this allergies? "Bless you." TenTen says, the two of you spending the next evening together after your intense training with Gai-sensei and Lee.
"Thank you." You sneeze into your arm again, looking over the scrolls. The other girls were supposed to be joining you a little later tonight and, while you enjoyed these nights with the girls, you really wanted your boys back. You needed someone to talk to about the confession, someone who understood your situation.
"Bless you."
"Thank you." You mutter, copying the seal on her paper to yours.
"You seem a little.... down."
"Do I? Should I be more.... up?"
"You should tell me what's bothering you, if you're comfortable with that." TenTen carefully corrected your mistakes.
"I'm just lost, someone told me they had a crush on me and I don't know how to respond." You would try to do this vaguely, maybe just talking about it will make you feel better.
"Do you like them back?" She asked as she watched you redraw the seal.
"I don't know, I haven't really had the time to think about that kind of stuff. With the whole psychic abilities developing and save everyone while also changing the future thing."
"Changing the future thing?" She raises an eyebrow, "save everyone? What's going on?"
"Crap, can we just forget I said anything?" You knew it was a lot to ask, the curiosity would probably kill her.
"If that's what you really want but I'm here for you, if you decide to talk about it." You nod, surprised by her answer.
"I'll remember that, I may even take you up on that sometime when we aren't expecting guests. Thank you." She nodded with a patient smile.
"That's not how you draw that seal."
"Huh?" You glance down, it looks right to you. "Where did I go wrong?" She pointed out your mistake areas and showed you how to properly draw them, laughing to herself when you made the exact same mistake again.
"You're thinking of a different seal, your technique for that one has greatly improved though. Well done."
"Thank you but aren't they all the same?"
"No, not at all." You huffed, they looked so similar. Although similar isn't exactly the same you guess.
"Where are your parents TenTen?" You glanced around the house, it was untouched for the most part. She glanced around herself, being used to living in these conditions she wouldn't find them as strange as you do.
"My mom died when I was little, leaving my dad to take care of me, but after I graduated he started taking on mission after mission. I hardly ever see him anymore, he said he's be back for the chunin exams but he hasn't come home yet."
"Aren't you worried?"
"Not really, he does this a lot. He said he'd be back for my birthday but he wasn't there, he's missed every holiday since I graduated. Why would this be any different?" She sighed to herself, "maybe it's better he didn't show up. He would have just watched me lose anyways."
"He should have shown up, regardless of the results, because it was important to you." She chewed her lip for a second, staring blankly at her hands.
"You're right, but it's too late now."
"That's true, but it's important to know you deserve better." She smiled at you, you can't tell what she's thinking and you don't get the time to figure it out as someone knocks on the door.
"I'll get it," TenTen left you to clean up the mess as she let the other girls in. You set the supplies off to the side and stood up, greeting the two girls that walked into the room.
"Hinata, Temari. You arrived together?" You glanced at the two curiously.
"You forget I'm not from around here and have no idea where I'm going, you're lucky I ran into this kid." Temari threw an arms over Hinata's shoulders.
"It was no problem, really." Hinata turned a little pink and smiled shyly, you assume she wasn't used to compliments.
"How are you feeling Hinata, you got released today right?" She had taken a hard beating from her cousin, she seemed physically well.
"I am doing okay, still very sore but I really appreciate you inviting me tonight Sakura." She kept the small smile on her face as she talked, another thing she wasn't used to was being included in things like this.
"Of course, I know we haven't hung out very much but I do enjoy your company and consider us friends." Ino knocked on the door and TenTen slipped away from the group to let her in. "Who's hungry?"
"I'm starving, what'd you make?" Ino called as she came up from behind Hinata with TenTen. "Piza?"
"I hate you so much."
"Liar, you love me and everyone here knows it."
"It's true, I can't deny it. Put you'll push me to murder if you keep pronouncing it that way." You warn, "and I made tacos. Or I tried to make tacos."
"What's tacos?" Temari asked, glancing at Hinata who just shrugged as she wasn't sure herself.
"Tacos are a dream food, something I dreamt about and decided to make. You have the option of two shells, hard and soft that taste totally different from each other, and you fill them with whatever you choose from a variety of options. Our options tonight are beans, beef, chicken, cheese, lettuce, peppers, onions, olives, sour cream, a couple sauces that seem like they'd taste good mixed with that stuff, tomatoes, and avocado. I would have done more but I'm exhausted."
"That sounds good, definitely not going to say no to trying it. Lead the way to the food." Temari glances at TenTen, she had helped you cut up the food and you were thankful for that.
"This way," you followed behind the four of them.
"This smells good, I love the food your brain thinks of during it's recharging stage."
"Trust me, it's not all good things Ino." She looks at you curiously as Temari starts dishing herself up. "You do not want to know."
"So who was it that confessed to you again?" TenTen asked, suddenly remembering what you said earlier.
"You got a confession?" Everyone flinched away from Ino's loud voice, "who?"
"No one, it's not important."
"It was Gaara right? He wanted to see you yesterday." Temari found herself a spot at the table beside Hinata.
"N-no!" You felt your face warm up before a quick shiver shoots down your spine as you remember the events of yesterday, including your interaction with Kabuto.
"Sasuke's training."
"Naruto?" You almost didn't hear her, she was so soft-spoken.
"Naruto's training too."
"Oh, do you mean Lee's?"
"No, I forgot about that actually. That's two people then."
"Me?" Ino asked, taking a seat beside you. "Because, I love you, but I belong to Sasuke."
"Don't lie to us Ino, we all know you sold your soul to Satan for that hair." You bite into the taco.
"I did not, if I didn't have this hair then bye-bye soul though."
"I tried selling my soul for something but apparently I don't have one." Hinata said quietly, eating her own taco as everyone stared at her.
"....Would you like mine?" TenTen asked, "it needs a bit of work but it's a functioning soul."
"Thank you for the offer but I have what I wanted," she politely declined.
"What did you want?"
"Friends." It's silent for a moment.
"Are you guys okay?" Temari asked, being the oldest known girl in the room. "Why didn't you have friends?"
"I was always too busy training, if I don't become strong then I'll disappoint my father.... as always. And I can't do that forever, I'm an important member of the family and I want my father to acknowledge me as his daughter when I'm older. But I'm happy to have friends now that he can't stop me." It seemed to not faze TenTen or Ino but Temari's big sister instincts kicked in.
"Your father sucks. You are his daughter no matter your strength, you should not have to prove it. Where is he?"
"I'm going to punch him in the face, hard."
"Oh please don't."
"...I won't because you asked so nicely but if you ever need me to I will." You hadn't realized how horrible some of their situations were, you really only saw Naruto's before coming here.
"If you need a break you can stay at my house Hinata, you too TenTen." You offer, they both nod.
"Geez, this conversation took a less than friendly turn." Ino pointed out, she's not mad about it though. "These are better than the pizza."
"These are really good," Temari agrees. "If this whole psychic ninja thing doesn't work out at least you can open up a restaurant."
"You're right, I should be writing down recipes in case this doesn't work out."
"Or just to give to me, it's weird food but they taste really good." You had actually gotten a recipe for the taco shells last night so you wouldn't mess up this meal. Everyone agrees with Ino, wanting to make this again for family and friends.
"I can do that." The five of you eat happily, staying up way later than you should have. The tacos were good but the company was better, TenTen was the last one to fall asleep on the makeshift beds. Sakura was sitting on the couch, watching a movie as she scrolled through your phone. "Sakura."
'Hey (Y/n), how was the girls night?'
"It went fairly well, it took a depressing turn for a moment but ultimately I think we all got closer and I really like them."
'Depressing how?'
"Well, TenTen's all alone basically. Her dad has missed nearly every important occasion in her life since her mom died. Hinata's dad is a major fart, I feel the need to adopt her. Is that normal?"
'Oh yeah, that's normal in my world.'
"That's normal here too but normal isn't the same as okay, how can people sit by while children are being treated like that?" Sakura glanced up from the phone, throwing her leg over the arm of the chair.
'You're right but what can we do to fix it? You can't just adopt anyone and everyone who's in a horrible situation... can you?'
"No.... but we can bring awareness to it and make people realize it's not okay," you start thinking of ways to do that.
'(Y/n), you have so much on your plate already. Please tell me you're not going to stress yourself out by adding more on top of what you already have to do.'
"I don't have that much, just saving the Akatsuki, saving Sasuke, saving everybody else, and changing the world for the better."
'And getting us back to our own bodies, or even to our own worlds. All while keeping up the act of being a psychic and going toe to toe with incredibly powerful ninja without dying. You rolled an 18 on charisma and got under ten on everything else.'
'I'm saying your best skill is talking to people, convincing them of things. It's the only thing that's keeping you alive, eventually you're going to crit fail.'
"How much Adventure Zone have you been watching?"
'Adventure Zone? I've been binging Critical Role Campaign two, what's Adventure Zone?'
"Something similar but wildly different, it's worth checking out whenever you get the time to. Either way, I'll be fine. I have the chance to make a difference, which is incredibly difficult in this world, and I'm taking full advantage of that. I won't be in this position forever Sakura."
'I know and I understand but you've already saved so many lives, Zabuza and Haku are finding their place in the village. Sasuke has been so open with you, in the anime he literally refuses to acknowledge Naruto's friendship for years but you're his best friend already. And Gaara? He'd probably stop the invasion for you, if you just asked, which is not normal behavior for him. That's four, I haven't even scratched the surface yet.'
"There's more?"
'Duh, you befriended Temari, TenTen, and Hinata. You restored my friendship with Ino, you treated Lee with the respect he deserved, you've begun to change Deidara's mind about Uchiha, Kotetsu and Izumo, Kakashi has someone he trusts again, Baki is forever changed, you've been much nicer to Naruto than I was, and I will never be the same. I've learned so much from you and I care so much about you, can't you see how many lives you've improved just by being in them?' She looked up at you as you floated above her. she had a point and you knew it. She knew that you knew it, you were both incredibly aware of it.
"Stop it, you're going to make me cry." You pout, maybe you should take breaks more often. Even during your night of relaxing you had been so worried about everyone and everything, hanging out with Naruto more and getting the famous ramen might be a good idea. "Thank you, I may have needed that."
'Of course, sometimes you need an outside perspective and I will always have one for you. Just ask (Y/n).' You roll your eyes and try not to smile, failing of course.
"What are you up to right now?"
'Reading fanfiction and watching this movie.' She looked at the screen, 'what movie is this?'
"I'm going to watch something while you read, pick up the remote for me so I can find something." She does as she's told and pretty soon you both settle down and do your own thing.

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