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        You lay on the ground below a tall tree, you were trying to climb the tree like they did in the anime with the help of Sakura. "(Y/n) come on, I'm faking being sick for you. I'm staying home from school to help you, get back up and climb." You groan, pushing yourself to your feet. Who did she think she was anyways? It wasn't like her staying home affected her grades, it affected yours. "You're right, I'm just tired. Sleeping in like this takes more energy than you'd think." 

        "I forgot you can read my mind," you mutter and make the proper handsign. You'd spent the whole day learning handsigns after Kakashi defeated Zabuza, it was Sakura who suggested that you try to climb a tree. 

        "It's about time you learn how to function in my body, you're more useless than I am."

        "Ouch, that was a little harsh wasn't it Sakura?" You ask, indirectly insulting her back. She stuttered over her words before screaming in aggravation behind her hands. 


        "Yes sir." You say, running at the tree. As soon as your feet left the ground you realized that you forgot about chakra before falling right back down. "Ouch, this is going to kill me. Can't we learn something else, like clones or transformation. Even learning how to throw kunai is less dangerous!" 

        "Okay okay, stop yelling or someone's going to hear you." After deciding that you were calmed down enough she continued. "How about we start off with kunai, it's simple and could prove to be useful. Go grab your bag." You nod, determined to do something right, before running back to Tazuna's home. You wouldn't have long to practice, it was already getting late and soon it'd be too dark to see anything. Once at the house you make a beeline for the room that you were staying in, picking up your bag you try to run back outside but instead run into Sasuke. 

        "Watch where you're going," he tells you and then glances at your bag. "Where are you going anyway?"

        "What's it to you? Aren't you suppose to be really emotionless and chill or something?" You ask him suspiciously, he says nothing in response as he turns to walk away. "I was going outside," he pauses and waits for you to continue. "....To practice because in case you haven't noticed I can't do much."

        "I'll come with you." You begin to object but Sakura doesn't look like she can stick around much longer. 

        "Fine, but don't laugh." You mutter as you take the lead, forgetting who you're talking to. It doesn't take you long to reach the place you were practicing with Sakura earlier, the tree was pretty damaged. 

        "What did you do to that tree?" He asks, looking up at the splintered sections. You hadn't really noticed how high you'd gotten and seeing it made you feel a lot better. 

        "Uhh, I climbed it. Or tried to, now how do I hold these things?" You ask, pulling out some of the kunai you packed. Holding it one way seemed comfortable but you couldn't find a comfortable way to throw it. 

        "Like this," he picked one up and showed you. "But you already knew that Sakura."

        "....Ha! Gotcha, it was all just a test. But just to make sure I saw that right, like this?" You try to copy the way he was holding the weapon. He sighs and adjusts the kunai for you, stepping back so you can swing it around. Once you were sure that you were holding it right, you took aim and threw it at the tree. Though it didn't hit your target it did hit a tree behind it, bouncing into the grass. You don't look at Sasuke after that embarrassing fail, instead moving to retrieve the weapon. You crouched to pick it up, trying to figure out where your mistake had been before a soft thud interrupted your thoughts. Looking up you see a kunai a foot above your head. 

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