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You stood outside the hospital room with Sakura, both of you more than ready to go inside and meet the people inside. You can hear them talking cheerfully through the thin sliding door, you push it open without a second thought. The conversation stopped immediately, everyone looking at you. "Oh, you know what? I'm so sorry." You shut the door and knock on it, waiting to be invited in.

"Come in?" The girl you saw said with uncertainty and you open the door again, walking into the room.

"This is really awkward.... I'll just come back after we've all forgotten this." You turn around, heading toward the door as Sakura facepalms.

"You're the psychic aren't you?" The pretty boy said, stopping you in your tracks.

"Well.... we all know I can't pass up an opportunity to talk about myself," you say out loud as you walk back into the room. "I am the psychic, it's awesome right?"

"I don't believe you." The pretty boy said, he had super pale eyes and if you weren't so intrigued by them you would have been creeped out.

"Well that's not my problem," you answer as you look at the other two in the room. He narrows his eyes at you, crossing his arms as he stares you down. The girl had her hair down around her shoulders and was wearing the hospital clothes, a scroll laying across her lap. The other boy, who was staring at you with excitement in his round eyes, had a bowl cut and large eyebrows.

"Sakura Haruno?" He breathed out, you nod tilting your head as Sakura snickered. "My name is Rock Lee, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks loudly, getting his courage back after his initial surprise to see you.

"Ehh?" You weren't quite sure how to feel as Sakura burst out laughing in the background, your thoughts still hadn't caught up to you when you opened your mouth and blurted out words. "I would die for you."

It was his turn to be surprised, standing there with his mouth opening like a fish out of water. "I won't let that happen!" He yells when he regains his senses, pulling a determined pose before grabbing your wrists. "I will protect you, my love."

"You're so precious...." You say in awe, deciding you should address his previous question. "Unfortunately, I'm not looking for a relationship right now but I'd love to be friends and get to know you more. We should all hang out sometime." You extend the invitation to include the other two, who have been watching the exchange with different reactions, also.

"Ask her." Sakura said, reminding you of the reason you came here.

"Oh, right. You're Tenten yeah?" The girl nods, tilting her head at you as you start fiddling with a book. "My godfather got me this book about Fūinjutsu and well.... I know nothing about it and you're so good at it that I thought I'd come down here and see if you could teach me some stuff. You don't have to of course, I understand if you don't want to- I'm rambling." You cut yourself off, nervously flipping through the book as you wait for her answer.

"I've got nothing better to do while I'm in here, I'll be glad to teach you about Fūinjutsu." She says cheerily, clearing off her lap and scooting over on the bed as she patted the spot next to her. "Come sit here, let me take a look at that book you have." You sit on the bed beside her, the boys excusing themselves and leaving the two.... three of you alone. Tenten starts explaining the basics of sealing, showing you some simple seals to use, and teaching you how to do it. The day goes on like this, both Sakura and yourself soaking up as much information as you can. You can hear Tenten getting tired, deciding you've stayed too long once she starts yawning.

"I should let you rest, I'm sorry for staying so long." You say, gathering up the sample sheets and your book. Tenten smiles kindly, waving off your apology.

"Don't apologize, you gave me something to do while I'm trapped at this boring place. Plus, it was fun hanging out with you. It was also nice to meet the Psychic of Konoha, who I have heard so much about these past few days." You return her smile.

"I'll see you around Tenten-sensei?" You ask, jokingly adding sensei to her name to see her reaction. The girls smile grew bigger in response.

"Of course you will, I expect you back here bright and early tomorrow. Make sure to bring your own supplies this time and some things to seal inside," she instructs as she stretches out on the bed.

"I have given you too much power," you said regretfully at the thought of waking up early tomorrow for another session of training. Although today wasn't so bad, maybe tomorrow will actually be nice? Ehh, you probably just jinxed it. "I'll see you tomorrow then, bright and early you say?"

"Bright and early." She confirms.

"So.... like noon ish?"

"Works for me."

"Sweet," you respond as you wave at your new friend and sensei. She waves back before curling up under the cheap hospital blanket to take a nap. Once you're out of the room you glance at Sakura, she knows what you're thinking about.

"You handled Lee surprisingly well," you hear the admiration in her voice.

'He's adorable, so smol. Precious cinnamon bun.' You think, smiling at the thought of him having a crush on you. Or is it Sakura he has a crush on? Doesn't matter, either way you must protect his feelings. You're lost in your thoughts as you leave the hospital, it was about 5 pm and the setting sun made the sky turn purple and pink. You see a familiar blonde walking down the street, heading toward the gates of Konoha. You run up beside him, making him jump a little. "Hey Firefly."

"Hey hmm...." He looked over you curiously, "your hair changed yeah." You had almost forgotten about that, despite spending hours on returning your hair to it's original pink.

"Yeah, you don't like it?" You pout jokingly before changing the subject. "Hey, why do you hate Uchiha's?"

"If you're such a psychic shouldn't you know un?" His voice was sort of annoyed and his eyes seemed to change to an icy blue.

"(Y/n), he hates them because Itachi beat him and now he despises the sharingan." You take what she says into consideration quickly.

"I know why but I don't understand why you hate Sasuke if your beef is with.... You know who."

"Voldemort?" Sakura asked, clearly she's been watching or reading Harry Potter recently.

'Itachi, why would the Dark Lord be here?' You resist the urge to roll your eyes.

"Why does it matter yeah?" He turns the question back on you.

"I like my friends to get along, I also don't think it's fair to hate a whole group of people based off the actions of one. Sasuke isn't like him, you saw that yourself didn't you?"

"It may be true that the younger Uchiha has more emotions than his brother un...." Deidara started to say, he definitely saw the smile then. "But I have no interest in associating myself with any Uchiha's hmm." You frown to yourself, your attempt to bring them together hadn't turned out well. "But.... I won't mention your closeness to the Uchiha to them if you would like yeah." He said grudgingly. "I do have to report you to them, as it's one of the reasons I'm here, but they don't need to know about your.... weakness un." He said in reference to Sasuke. Your smile returned a little.

"I'd appreciate that, I don't want to bring Sasuke into any 'business' I might have with them." If your plan goes the way it's supposed to, you don't want to put any of your friends in danger. Deidara nods in understanding, he's not sure why he offered to help you protect a Uchiha but you seem nice enough. Especially considering you could have turned him in days ago and haven't.

"Well, I'm heading back now un. I'll see you again some day, I'm sure hmm." You nod in understanding, stopping a ways before the gate and waving at him as he continues. You don't stick around to watch him disappear into the forest, instead heading 'home' to Kakashi's to ask him about his day and clean your hair dye mess from the night before. He hadn't been happy to find two girls in his bathroom with pink all over the sink and their hands, but he hadn't said anything in front of Ino because he's not cruel like that.

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