Chapter 30: If You Don't Notice Now I Swear I'll Kill You Both

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Chapter 30: If You Don't Notice Now, I Swear I'll Kill You Both.

"Are you sure she will want to come?"

"Don't worry Liam, she probably forgot about what happened." I wave my hand gesturing at him carelessly. As we walk to what seems to be her Uncle's house, according to my GPS, I look around and find myself in front of such gorgeous garden with many different types of flowers, 2 hammocks, a set of tables and chairs...


"This house is huge."

"Indeed..." Liam recites back, looking around.

Liam decided to come with me while the others were finishing preparing the plan in our 'soon-to-be-revealed' place. I left Harry and Louis in charge of finishing organizing, made Niall to stay practicing his lines, and Zayn to basically keep everything calm, and not let the other three destroy the place before we even go on with the surprise.

I should've told Liam to stay as well, but then I remembered that he was the only one I still had to tell my story to, so it's fair enough that all 5 know what is my situation. While we were in the van earlier, I told him everything, just like I did to Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Harry. He listened careful and didn't reacted like I was expecting he would - angry or disappointed - for not telling him before. He looked concerned and maybe just a bit sad with hearing all I've told him.

Instead of asking any more questions in mind, he unexpectedly hugged me really tight, saying that I was a strong person to handle all these problems on my own and with my age, he just couldn't believe it. It might sound weird, but I actually felt flattered.

But well, now to present time.

We get to the door and knock it a couple of times, waiting for someone to answer and hoping it's the right house. We mightve waited there a long minute, my breath becoming uneven as I look at the seconds ticking in my watch. When the door is opened, A woman appears behind it, probably early forties, dark short hair and with green eyes.

"Buenas tardes, con que la puedo ayudar?" (Good Afternoon how may I help you?)

Liam nudges me on the shoulder, suddenly feeling a bit nervous, "Oh shit, she speaks Spanish. You didn't tell me about this!" He whispers.

"I didn't even know myself!" I whisper back anxiously. I sigh when I notice the woman waiting for us to say something, so I clear my throat. "Buenas tardes señora, soy una amiga de Melanie Torres. No se si usted la conoce..." (Good Afternoon ma'am, I'm a friend of Melanie Torres. I don't know if by any chance you know her...)

"Si por supuesto! Soy la madre de ella! Si quieres pasa y yo la llamo!" (Yes of course! I'm her mother! If you want you can come in and I'll call her down!) She smiles kind at us and heads upstrairs, leaving us once again by ourselves.

Melanie's mom is green-eyed? What is she adopted? O.o

I turn to Liam, who I catch him staring at me with his jaw dropped. I tilt my head just like a puppy extremely baffled. "What?"

"You just spoke Spanish."

"Um, yeah?"

"How." He said in monotone.

"First language is Spanish... And since I live here, English follows right up." We walk inside the house and explore around it, the features, everything. These girls and a boy, all seem to be 7-10 years old, come running from one of the rooms. One of the girls bumps into me, and almost falls, but I manage to grab her in the process. She seems a little afraid of me, but as soon as I smile she relaxes a little.

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