Chapter 31: Let's Enjoy It While It Lasts

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Chapter 31: Let's Enjoy It While It Lasts

"What the hell do you mean you are leaving in six days?!"

"Meaning I will have to go to the airport back to D.C. and th—"

"I GET WHAT YOU MEAN YOU DIPSHIT." She screams, making me jolt by surprise.


She glares at me, and looks to the living room where the boys are. She goes to the door and closes it slowly without making any noise. "Are you fucking serious? Why do you have to go now? Can't you stay for a couple of weeks more?"

"No can do, Roseline already sent my plane ticket to Paul, so when we head to the airport, we'll part different ways..." Melo shakes her head as I tell her the plan. It's funny, because a while ago she didn't want to see me, and now she wants me to stay. Bipolar chick.

"Crap. So it's mandatory..."

"To put it in simple words." I shrug. 

"Did you tell them yet?"

I shook my head, "No, Roseline told me not to say anything just in case."

"Just in case what?" She questions. I would answer back if I knew the actual reason, but probably it's so they don't get  upset. If I tell her that, she will most likely slap the living hell out of me.

"I don't really know. She didn't exactly tell me..." I lie. "Just don't tell them."

She sighs. "Fine, I won't." As soon as she says that, she receives a text message. "It's Niall, He's wondering where are we."

"Where are we, or where are you?" I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly.

"Well..." She gets all red, clearly giving herself out.




[3 Days Later...]


What is that...

*Click click*

What is that annoying noise?


Okay, someone is in my room and I did not allow permission to enter.

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a small red light followed by a bright flash that almost leaves me half blind first thing in the morning. "WHAT THE—" My vision clears and I spot Tomlinson and Horan with a camera. They start laughing hysterically as I growl at them, shooting them the ultimate death glare of all times. "Why. Are. You. In. My. Room."

"Well, It's 11 AM...So time to get up!" They both chorus, making me throw my pillows at them. Louis goes all Matrix and dodges it, while Niall gets hit with both pillows, making him fall to the floor.

"Almost Catie Cat. But not quite right." Tommo grins. Niall moves the pillow away from his face and looks at us, "How in the bloody hell were you able to dodge that?!"

"Matter of practice, Horan. Anyway, what are we doing today?"

"What in the world do you want to do at 11 o'clock in the fucking morning?!" I get my alarm clock and put it inches away from his face.

"Well, for starters, since we've been having many things on our schedule and everything, how about if we all go somewhere?" He offers.

Me and Niall stare at each other, as I'm about to say something, Liam rushes inside the room, pushing the door open and slamming the Irish against the wall. "What was that loud noise?! What is going on here?!"

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