Chapter 13: I Only Bring Bad Luck.

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DEDICATING THIS TO... @curlyhazza, because their fanfic is the craic.



Chapter 13: I Only Bring Bad Luck.

From the reflection of the mirror, I can see Liam and Zayn exiting out the dressing room. There is an uncomfortable silence in the room, but you can still hear Niall's sobs. I don't even acknowledge what is happening behind my back, I just sit there on the chair. How do I manage to, I don't even know myself.

It's happening again.

Why is it happening again.

I want to cry.

I want to roll on the floor, chorus-sobbing with Niall like 4-year-olds until I run out of tears.

But I can't, for two reasons.

One, I would look weak, specially since I'm the agent here.

Two, I just can't cry.

I feel someone getting close to me, but I don't react to it, I don't even flinch at all. The chair is turned, along with me, and then I end up face-to-face with Niall. He looks like a wreck, you could clearly see the trail of his tears, his blue orbs so crystalized. I want to hug him, and cry along with him, but I just can't move by my own will. My body is paralyzed from all the shock.

"W-What are we going to do now...? Are we going to be able to save her?"

Those words echo through my head. Would we be able to save her? What am I going to do with the boys? I can't make them risk their lives when they have a reputation in this world, they have a career. What if they do something to her? I can't see Niall devastated like this. I can't let Zayn sacrifice himself to an assassin. That's why I have this job, It's my job to protect them...

My job...

"Will we be able to?" Niall repeats, looking at me eye-to-eye.

"N... No..."

His eyes widens, and then he looks at Harry. Harry looks at me with the same exact expression. All of the sudden, I stand up, and run out of there. I'm not escaping from the situation, don't get me wrong, I'm going to talk to Paul.

That kidnapper bastard wants serious shit, serious shit will have.


*Harry's POV*

Niall looks devastated. The poor guy, it really is a complete shock for him.

Well, it was a big shock for everyone. The second I saw what the note said, my body went into a numb stage.

Everyone is just moving around anxiously, not knowing what to do next. I notice that the only person who isn't moving a muscle is Catrina. When I look at her reflection in the mirror, my heart suddenly aches as I witness her expression. She looks very pale, her caramel eyes are dull, she looks so... Inanimate. Like she isn't even in the room.

Niall goes crawling towards her, trying to calm himself from crying just seconds ago. He stopped crying, and he is now looking at Catrina face-to-face. She just stares at him, as if she is hypnotized or something. It's just... Not her.

"W-What are we going to do now...? Are we going to be able to save her?" Niall asks, his eyes swollen from all the crying. He waits for Catrina to respond, but there's no reply. She just glances at him. Seconds pass, maybe even minutes, and then he asks again.

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