Prelogue: Full-Pledged Agent

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Second trailer on the side :) x

Friendly reminder this book starts around June of 2012.


"Catrina Martinez."

I take a deep breath, This is it. It's now or never.

"Well Agent, I must admit... I'm honestly so proud of you." says my mentor, 1st rank Agent Roseline McAdams. She has helped me through everything these past four years. She's not only my teacher, but she's also like a mother to me... Now this is supposed to be sentimental, but it has its disadvantages having her as guardian.

Where are my real parents? Well, that's what I'm trying to find out.

It all began one day of Spring Break, 2009. They went to a cruise trip along with my sister. I decided to stay home since I had to study for state exams. Next thing I know, most likely two days later, McAdams knocks on my door. Everything happened so fast, she reported that my family dissapeared, someone or some group captured them and there hasn't been any sign of them since that morning. It was too much to take, so I broke down crying. I remember some of her comments about foster homes, I pleaded her to not send me there, that instead I wanted to search for my family and I promised to do anything in order to find them. I knew back then they were still alive somewhere in this world. She looked at me carefully, and gave me the only choice I would've picked anyway.

Become a secret agent.

I agreed with the offer, with the idea that after I've found my family, I would retire from this confidential world and return to my life as a normal teenager. She agreed right away.

Four years have passed ever since then...

And I finally pledge to become a full-time agent! That's right my peasants! That's why I was getting so excited, since Roseline is in the Directorate Of Intelligence, she is in charge of analyzing and informing about the operations. Roseline began working for the CIA after she graduated college, she told me she always liked working for the intelligence. She's now in her early 30's, has a black belt in Karate (so don't dare get on her dark side), and is now part of one of the four main directorates in the agency. She could take everything serious most of the time, and which is why she's fun to mess around with, specially pranking. What can I say? I might take my job seriously, but I'm still a teenager.

"Yooo Roseline!"

"Martinez, you know the drill."

"Sorry, I forgot... Agent McAdams." I make an effort to fancily accentuate the sentence.

"How may I help you, Agent Martinez?" She turns to me smiling, she is good at that, fake smiling, but it gets easier to notice nowadays.

"You told me earlier that I had to come to you to check on my first mission..."

She stops typing whatever she was typing and looks at me. "Right, sit down."

I do what she says, a little bit overly exaggerated as I am anticipating an important response from her. "So? Am I finally going to find them?"

"Listen, Catrina. In order to do that, you need to first accomplish the requirements the agency ask to complete, you won't be able to choose the operation you desire just yet, specially since you are the youngest one in the whole agency. We need to first prove that you are capable enough to take risky missions." She points her pen at me.

"Could you at least be less dramatic? I know this already, I studied that a while ago. I understand about that..."

"For a reason they let you be here. You're very intelligent." She smiled at me sympathetically. This time, she wasn't really faking, you notice it right away. "Well, guess what, I finally found your first job, very simple to say the least. We've been working with many Intelligence agencies around the world, and they accepted to give you missions, but those missions didn't seem enough for you to 'handle'..."

"You're kidding. What do you mean by that? For a reason I was trained to 'handle' those kinds of missions." I say, mimicking the quotations with my hands in the air.

"I know that, but I don't want you to waste much energy if you really want to find your family. Anywho, the agency talked to MI6--"

"The British?"

She glares at me. "Yes, the British, can't you say it anymore nicely?"

"Sorry, first thing that came up in my mind."

She sighs and continues, "Well, they gave me a rudimentary mission that you could basically accomplish without any worries, it all depends how your clients act though..."

"Clients? Do I have to investigate a case or something? Beat someone's ass?"


"I mean, protect my client?" I smile sheeplessly. I forgot how she is about cursing in the building.

"Yes. Okay, so here is the folder, your job is to act as a bodyguard of this British/Irish boy-band, they have been famous for the last couple of years, mostly among teenagers around your age..."

"What's the band's name?"

"It's called One Direction."



[Really Edited]

I'm thinking of erasing all of the author's notes because no one really cares about my rants of the world. I'm saving your time, and mine as well :D

ily y'all, become a fan, comment and vote :]

~Bianca xx 

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