Chapter 17: Knock-Out Round

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Dedicating this to @NicoleNazario. She's a lovely person :)


Chapter 17: Knock-Out Round

I woke up in this pretty campus, full of french fries, and milkshakes.

It's like, the perfect world for me.

How did I get here? No clue.


"WHERE HAVE YOU'VE BEEN IN MY LIFE?!" I scream out, looking around amazed at this wonderful world.

I go over to the humongous milkshake cup and climb to the top, I grab a long straw so I could try some of the Cookies n' Cream Milkshake.

And I thought the Milkshakes from Steak N' Shake were the best.

I'm like... In love...

Well, after having about 3 gallons of Cookies N' Cream Milkshake... Now that I'm realizing this, every time I say "milkshake" it reminds me of that song... how does it goes?... Oh, of course: ♪My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, way better than yours, damn right, they're better than yours--♪

What the hell am I singing.

Goodness gracious.

So anyway, I decide to walk around and take a look at this wonderful paradise. Maybe some active walking will help me lose weight...

In all seriousness though, how did I get here? Where are the boys? Where's Roseline? Where is my fam--

Oh yeah...

I forgot...

I'm all alone...

Why did my parents left me? Why do I have to be alone here? Maybe they had an important job to do or something... Or maybe they were going to bring me a surprise? ...

What if it was all because of me? Because they didn't want me anymore?

I was the one who told them to go.

Does this mean it's all my fault?


I can't take this anymore.

I'm not going to be able to find them. I can't do that. I'm not capable of it.

I can't even take care of my friends.

They have their own lives... Roseline has her own life as well...

What am I doing here in the first place then?...

Thoughts keep roaming around in my head, Questions, all unanswered... I could feel couple of tears streaming down my face already, leaving damp trails behind.

Out of nowhere, I hear something.

Is someone... Calling out my name?

Nah, I'm probably hallucinating. Must be it.

Catie! Wake up Catie! Catrina!

Or maybe I'm not.

The screams intensifies, they become louder and louder, as if they are coming closer. My sight suddenly gets blurry, not really know why, but I think I should sit for a bit just in case I faint.

As soon as I turn around, something hits my face, something really hard, It feels like someone slapped me or something like it, and it was hard enough to make me drop to the surface. I groan in pain and open my eyes. The background is somewhat brighter than just a couple of seconds ago... but then the blinding light dims, being blocked by 5 big heads.

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