Chapter 19: What Do You Want From Us?

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Dedicating this to @tothislullaby :D BECAUSE THEY ARE LIKE... FO'SHOO ;]


(2014 update: smh.)


Chapter 19: What Do You Want From Us?

"Welcome! I have been expecting your little visit!"

"Who are you and how do you know me."

He raises his eyebrows amused. "Oh, I do my small research. In fact, I believe you are here for something else other than saving your friend here..."

"What is he talking about? Why is he calling you an agent? Do you work in StateFarm or something?" Melanie says. I turn around to look at her in disbelief

"No, I work in Nationwide Insurance." I reply sarcastically. "StateFarm? Really Melanie? Really?!"

"Well I'm sorry, that's the only thing that pops out in my mind..."

"What's a StateFarm?" Zayn asks confused. We now turn to him with wide eyes.

"Dude, haven't you seen the american channels yet? They pass commercials of it every single time!" Melo exclaims.

"It's like an insurance company for cars or houses or something like that, and in the commercials they go like--"

"LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATEFARM IS THERE!" Me, Melo and Louis sing the famous phrase in-sync.

The boys stare at Louis weirdly. "See? Tommo is aware of what is happening in the world, he watches his channels." I pat Louis in the shoulder.

"Are you annoying people done now?" The mysterious dude asks us.

"Oh yeah, sorry man... I thought it was necessary to explain. Anyway, you still didn't answer my question." My voice immediately changes from a troubled tone to a more mature and serious one.

The man just smirks and gets closer to us. I stand in guard, trying to protect Melanie and the boys. I could see him more clearly now. He looks like around his mid 20s, brown hair and brown eyes. He isn't that tall, maybe around Zayn's height? Around there.

"My name is Lucas."

"And what do you want from us may I ask?" I walk slowly towards him. I could see him grin evilly, somewhat sending chills down my spine. I have a bad feeling about this.

"There are several reasons why I am here. One of them is more of a selfish reason, rather for the people I'm working for." He puts his hands on his pocket and moderately paces himself towards us. "I was watching television, just few months ago, and I got caught up in something. It was this girl group performing one of their songs..." I don't know where is he getting to this. I say to myself.

"Maybe you know who I'm talking about, Mr. Malik?" He glances at Zayn, who doesn't respond back to him, but he sends him a dirty look.

"There was one of them who caught my eye, the blonde beauty with such an angelic voice... I was mesmerized the second I saw her." He continues.

"I needed to know more about her, and so I started to search her up... Her name instantly came up, Perrie Louise Edwards. Lovely name huh?" He almost sings the sentence.

Perrie... Hold on, isn't that Zayn's girlfriend?

"Are you talking about his girlfriend?"

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