Chapter 18: Bruce Lee In Da House

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(2014 update: if you've reached this chapter... I'm really surprised. I didn't know you'll survive... Just bare with this book, the 2nd book is better and more "mature" than this one... Kind of.)

DEDICATING THIS TO.... @noor7665 because she is really nice :)



Chapter 18: Bruce Lee In Da House

"Alright. Watch this, people."

I run fast towards the first man I see in front of me and punch him in the abdomen. While he cries in pain( not actual tear crying, I mean the thesaurus/dictionary type of 'whine'), I get him by the shoulders and throw him towards another dude who is trying to get me from behind. As I do that, a third one comes running to me and tries to grab me by the throat, but fails at it as I dodge and kick his mandingo (Melanie got me to say this). The man somehow knocks out., which makes that heard hypothesis true about boys knocking at it when you hit them in the balls.

"So It's true, huh..." I turn around to look at the other 4 , and smile.

"Who is next?"

The next one who comes running towards me takes out a pocket knife and attempts to stab me. He tries to slice that knife close to my face, but I manage to dodge it and get a little cut on my right cheek. I lose my balance and fall, which gives him a chance to attack me.

This bastard is good.

I notice a few wooden boxes broken apart a few feet away from me. I quickly reach for a piece of wood and use it as shield, protecting me from the knife. He tries to stab me but the knife gets stuck in the wood, giving me the opportunity to counterattack. I smirk at him and reach my foot to his face, kicking him and sending him flying, I might or might not have cracked the wall.

I stand up to clean myself a bit. 5 down, 2 to go...

Speaking of 5...

I glimpse at the boys briefly. They are currently all staring at me and their jaws fall open, well, except Louis, since he has seen me kick ass a while ago. But the others' expressions are just hilarious. Tommo pats Harry's and Niall's shoulders at the same time, "I present to you, Agent Martinez."

"That is so si--"

"CATRINA WATCH BEHIND YOU!" Niall interrupts Zayn.

I turn around but not fast enough. Another dude grabs me from the back, and points a knife at the side of my throat so I don't manage to move or do anything to him, If I did so, he can easily kill me.

The boys step closer trying to find a way to free me but he stops them. "I don't think you should do that, If you make one more step, you'll have to say goodbye to your little guard here..." He grins.

"Let her go!" Zayn demands him, but the man just laughs at the useless comment.

"I don't think that is going to be happening Mr. Malik, unless you would like to take her place--"


A loud noise - like glass breaking into pieces - interrupts the man from speaking, and he simply lets go of me. I touch my throat to check if I'm bleeding and glance back to check what exactly occured. I find the man laying there as an unconscious body, and Louis Tomlinson with what's left of a glass bottle of... Wine?

"Don't you dare mess with the 1D gang."

I raise my eyebrows, and I can't help but laugh. "Thanks Tommo."

Agent 001... DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now