Chapter 32: These Butterflies Are Bothersome.

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Chapter 32: These Butterflies Are Bothersome.

"Alright punks, now we decide how to separate the rooms. There are six of us, so it won't be hard."

"We should pick teams of two..."

"No Styles, we pick teams of seven."

"Ha-ha. You're hilarious."

"I know, I know." I nod my head cockily.

At the moment we are deciding who is sharing the rooms, and let's just say things aren't going easy. I thought we were going to keep it simple and I was going to sleep in the living room while the other beauty queens enjoy the rooms and do whatever they do. You know, some 'bro time' or whatever they call it. But of course, since it's One Direction we are talking about here, they're insisting me to take one of the rooms. "You gotta choose, Cates."

"I don't really care as long as you guys are okay with—" Before I could even finish the sentence, the boys start calling out who's teaming up with me.

"I CHOOSE CATIE!" Louis exclaims.

"NO I WANT TO TEAM UP WITH HER!!" Niall and Zayn shout defensively.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA, HOLD YOUR NIPS, PEEPS." I wave my hands in the air trying to stop them from escalating the situation even more.

"Okay, how about instead we do a lottery?" Liam suggests as he grabs a post-it notepad and a pen. I voluteer to write all the names and fold them exactly the same so no one cheats. 

"This is what we're going to do. We will decide the first people who will stay in rooms 1,2, and 3. After that, we'll choose the partners. Comprende?"

"Yes Mother..." They chorus along like obedient children.

I grab the bag, placing the papers there and I start shaking it. I jump around and dance... Well, at least try dancing since I don't have the skillz with the Z... And so, the reaping begins. "Good luck y'all."

The first three papers that will be revealed will be the first ones to occupy each room.

"Alright, first room..." I open the paper slowly, making the atmosphere even more intense.


"Awesome!" Niall says excitedly.

I put my hand in the bag again and mix the papers up carefully. Then I get another one. "Second room..."


"It's on like Donkey Kong." We all look at him strangely. "What? It's from that animation of us..."

"Oooookay... Back to the reaping. Third room..." I take once again, another paper out and reveal the candidate. "Tommo."


And now, for the partners. I look at the three of them as a strike of wonder hits me, trying to imagine how would it be if I get either Niall, Liam, or Louis. As I slowly open the second candidate for the first room.

"Partnering with Niall will be..." I glance at all of them in suspense.


"Aw man. I wanted Cates...." He pouts in defeat.

"Well excuse you." Harry acts offended.

I pat Niall on the shoulder and scuff. "Ha, I would rather not, Nialler. Your girlfriend would've killed the both of us for no particular reason."

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