Chapter 6: Me? Singing? Puh-Lease...

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Dedicating this to @skullkitty101, who died laughing when Catrina choke on them noodles last chapter lol


Chapter 6: Me? Singing? Puh-Lease...

I was in my room (I still am in my room, I just think that saying this in past tense sounds more sophisticated...) trying to find at least something interesting to do...

But... I had nothing. Nada.

So, I decided to find more information about these guys. Sure, Roseline already sent me some information about them, but it's information for the media. Who knows if it's real. If I tell that to her she might flip, but either way, even if I call her she won't answer. I imagine what she would say f something serious occurs: "Sorry Martinez, but I can't talk right now, I'm in the middle of paperwork, so you will end up doing this alone. If you can not accomplish it, don't worry, I will pay your funeral..."

Sounds cruel right? Well, She is very capable of doing that.

Nah, I'm kidding, not that much. If I wasn't kidding I would be laughing hysterically... Haha... Hahahaha... HahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Ha... Okay, maybe I wasn't kidding.

Anyway, I go to google in my laptop and type in One Direction, to research more about them. I mean, I just can't believe they are the ones who sing these great songs. It's just unbelievable!

According to my recent research right now, They've already released an album, with 13 songs and another version of the same album, in this case the Yearbook Version, with 2 more extras songs. (A/N: friendly reminder this takes place Summer 2012) Since I have nothing better to do, I might as well go to google and check those songs out.

"More Than This... I've Should've Kissed You... Everything About You... What Makes You Beautiful... Stole My Heart..." I mumble as I read the titles of the videos. These song names... How can they sing this?

I click on the More Than This link and it starts loading. when it finishes, I finally realize that I can't live without earbuds. I totally forgot to put the volume down, so when the song started with the guitar instrumental, it was pretty loud. Seconds later after I pause the video to find my headsets, Liam and Niall come in rushing.

"We heard a loud noise, is everything alright?" Liam asks, with Niall behind him.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Nothing to worry about... What are you guys doing still awake?" I ask curiously.

"We were watching a film, since the boys went to hit the sack, and we had nothing better to do..." Niall explains. "Were you listening to music?"

"Uh... Kind of. It's for a lesson... For school... Overseas... Exchanged... Yeah." I say while minimizing the website I have opened about them. Agents have to be very pre-cautious on what they do. "So do you guys need something else? Not that I'm kicking you out or anything, It's just that I need to... Keep studying..."

"So technically you're kicking us out?"

I grimace at them. "Can't you put it in a nicer way possible?"

They laugh, "Well, 'night Catie!"

"Good night boys."

As they close the door, I put on my headphones and go back to the YouTube page. Let's see how well they really sing...


(The Next Day...)


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