Chapter 26: Take Me Home. Now.

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Dedicating this to @VikkiGee, because I found her fanfic, and I started reading it, and well... It's perf.


Chapter 26: Take Me Home. Now.


"WAIT BOYS--" Melo screams.

"Too late now." Harry points out.



"You had us worried nonstop! Please don't do crazy stuff again! We thought we were going to lose you!" Liam replies.

"Um, guys? I think you are sofocating her..." I hear Zayn.

"She needs to feel the love. She wasn't able to feel it for weeksk and made us all worried..." I could see Harry's evil grin.

"Boys, do you want Catrina to live in the hospital? You're literally killing her." Thank you Melanie, but that isn't really helping.

"BOYS... GET... OFF M-ME... NOW." I manage to get my hand on someone's butt (yes, I know it sounds weird, yet many fangirls wish they were in my position right now ) and pinch it, with all the strength I have left. All of the sudden, one of the boys screams, a very familiar and distinctive accent. Everyone jumps back and backs away.

I regain oxygen, as I look up and glare at all the idiots in front of me.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!?!?!" Niall exclaims as he rubs his butt cheek. Now I know who I pinched.

"Did you just pinched my baby?" Melo asks me.

We all stop talking and chuckling, and now all stares at Melanie. She realizes what she just said as her expression changes like speed of light. Then the boys and I all look at Niall, who is as red as my bag of blood hanging next to my bed. Ew, I did not just said that.

"Niall..." I clear my throat as Harry interrupts me and finishes what I was about to say.

"What do you have to say about this, mate?"

"M-Me?!... I... Uh"

Louis and Zayn pat him each on each shoulder, "Nialler, Nialler, Nialler..."

"Why didn't you tell us before, Horan?" Liam sighs, shaking his head as if he were disappointed.

"Wait, guys! I-I didn't mean that! I was just kidding? It just... Came out that way!" Melanie tries on finding an excuse. I do believe her as she looks down, not only embarrased, but a bit upset. She shakes her her before barging outside.

I look at the boys one last time before following Melanie. I try walking fast, but these clutches ruin my life. I end up calling out for her. "MEEELANIEEE!! WAIT!"

"Leave me alone Catrina! I don't really feel like talking..."

"Melanie, C'mon, I need to--" My sentence gets cut short as I trip on my crutches, landing once again, face-first to the cold, hard surface.

"Catrina!" I could hear her shouting my name.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. This already happened to me before..." I say as I rub my nose once again for the second time, I'm just hoping to get out of this hospital with a nose. "Why did you leave?"

"I..." She looks down at her feet. "I don't really know... I'm just too depressed...?"

"Depressed for what? Because the boys are teasing you around with your relationship with blondie?" I raise an eyebrow.

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