Chapter 7: And The Action Begins

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Chapter 7: And The Action Begins

"Sing it for us!"


"Come ooooonnn!! Sing!"

"Hell no."

"Catrinaaaaa, pleeeeeaseeeee?" Louis and Niall say in a chorus, making terrible yet adorable puppy faces.

"Dream on."

"It's hopeless. You tried boys." Liam sighs.

"Do you guys act like that everytime you go somewhere?"

"Yup." Niall replies happily. "We need to keep ourselves entertained most of the time."

"Oh, I'm gonna keep that in mind for next time, so I don't get in the same van as you." I joke.

"Hurtful..." Louis and Niall say at the same time holding each other as if they are crying or something.

We arrive to the mall where the small gig is going to take place. As soon as we enter through a back door, I could hear the loud screams from all the fans that are waiting for them. I manage to see the place, and it's packed with girls chanting for their mames. I can't believe my eyes. I snap out of it right away though, because I have to focus on my job.

As soon as the boys enter the stage, the screams get louder. The fans are going crazy, it's unbelievable! They begin singing What Makes You Beautiful as they enter. I mumble it all the way through and tap my feet while standing there, watching. Preston, one of the guards who has been on the job from the beginning, and knows about these trips to small gigs more than I do, looks at me, "Singing along, huh? Are you a crazed fan too?"

"What? Me? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you singing alo--"

"UHHH AHHH CAN'T HEAR YOU, SORRY PRESTON! BYE!" I head off to the other side of the stage from the back. That was a close one.

I glance to the other side of the stage where I came from, and Preston shakes his head chuckling.

After two hours of signing autographs, taking pictures with fans and having tiny conversations with them, the boys finally go backstage to take a break.

"So? What do you think?" Louis says excitedly.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not the famous one here." I shrug.

"I know, but like, what do you think? The atmosphere, I mean." He takes a sip from his water bottle.

"It's unbelievable, in all honesty. There's so much stuff going on..."

"Yeah, It's the circle of life." Zayn says.

"Of a popstar." I correct.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Niall states as he gets into the conversation, smiling as per usual. "But it's what we wanted, we worked hard to get here and now we're living our dreams..." I stare at him but don't say a word. What he just said makes me think of what I want to do with my life in the future. After I get out of this, after I find my family...

All of the sudden, Preston gets close to us, "She was singing along to yo--"

"Preston, SHUSH."

The boys look at me confused, but I find Louis and Harry looking at me with big smirks on their faces. Scary and annoying at the same time. "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Louis and Harry tilt their heads in-sync, acting all baffled. I'm telling ya, it's really creepy.

"I'm going to the bathroom..." Zayn tells us before walking away. Barely a minute passes when my phone starts vibrating, receiving a call. I excuse myself to answer it and head over to a quiet place. When I get as far away as possible from the boys, I answered the call.

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