Chapter 8: Girls' Sleepover, You're Welcomed... Boys...

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Dedication this toooo @SophiaPotter. She is so nice and awesome, thank you for reading as well :) I appreciate it, and since you were excited for the next chapters, here it is :3


Chapter 8: Girls' Sleepover, You're Welcomed... Boys...

It's been barely two days since the first attempt, and two days since I stayed on bed with an excruciating pain from the cut I received. Today I woke up alright. The injury didn't hurt as much as it did yesterday, and I seriously just wanted to get out of the room.

I take a deep breath before I enter the room. Here it goes.


"Hooooooow may we help you Catie Cat?"

"Louis? You're awake? I thought that you were still... Nevermind. I was going to tell you that I'm inviting someone home today"

"What? No no no no... You are still in care..." Liam pops out from the door.

"Liam, I just got a little scratch..."

"It was a cut," Louis interrupts. "And quite deep in my opinion."

"Whatever. The point is, I'm fine, and I'm inviting a friend of mine."

"And who would this friend be?" Liam asks.

"My friend Melanie, the one that came over a few days ago? Well I invited her to stay over." I smile, heading to the door.

"What?!" I jolt as Niall pops out from the door this time, giving me a little heart attack. "The brunnette girl that came to visit?"

"Uh, yes...?"

"Oh, okay...." He turns around and walks away slowly. I look at Louis and smirk. "I believe little Niall has a little crush on Melo..."


(Later that night...)

"Hey! What's up girl?"

"Nothing much, just came from finishing my homework, one of the biggest pains in my ass..." She sighs making me laugh at the comment. "If only you knew a real pain in the ass..."

Liam spots us and walks towards us, waving. "Speaking of pain..." I say waving back at him.

"Hey Payne, how's life?" Melanie says.

"Pretty good for now, thanks for asking." he replies back. "Are you going to be doing something out of the hotel or you're saying here? We are gonna go out in a little..."

"I think we'll be staying here, it's going to be a Girls' Night In tonight..."

"So a GNI?" He raises his eyebrows amusedly.

"That's right. well now, if you'll excuse us..." I get one of Melanie's bags and start running to my room with her following. As soon as we get in, I lock the doors and sigh of relief. I just need peace for the rest of the night.


"So is it fun living with these guys?" Melanie says while putting away her pijamas in her bag. While she does that, I eat some Oreo cookies. "Oh no, it isn't. We are talking about five 18-20 year-old guys who act like three year-olds. That is definitely no fun."

"But that's what's special about them... Haven't you seen the articles or magazines, or even the video diaries?"

"Video diaries?"

"Of course! They are also very famous because of that, when they were in the XFactor in the UK, they did a video diary each week as a review of their performances, but then again, it's them, so they made up goofy stuff. They are very humorous guys." She giggles.

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