Chapter 5: Oh The Irony...

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I dedicate this to @HarrysSecretLove (or was @HarrysSecretLove, idek this was two years ago and people change their users and all that.) because she is awesome. And she has really good fanfics, you should check them out by the way!


Chapter 5: Oh The Irony...

"Catie, how did you learn to make all this? It's so good." Says Blondie, savoring every single detail of the spaghetti.

"I needed to learn enough to survive for the past four years..."

"Surviving? Why is that? You live alone?" Liam asks while drinking his cup of water.

"I'm an exchanged student, I used to live with my mentor." I decide to keep that lie - since it has been working most of the time - just in case something happens, it sounds pretty believable and less trouble-making.

"Well, then you should seriously cook for us more often. It's very delicious."

"Thanks Tomlinson, but I am supposed to be a guard rather than a maid." I reply sarcastically.

"We could always ask Paul to change your position and--"

"No thanks. I like my job, thank you very much." I interrupt his nonsense.

"Pardon me for interruption this lovely conversation that I honestly don't care enough, but may I know by any chance where's my dish?" Harry stands next to Louis with his arms crossed, clearly annoyed with the world. I decided in not to serve him a plate due to the fact of him acting like an ass.

"Sorry, I thought you wanted something else, since you seemed not to like what I cooked. I thought of going to the market and buy you some dog food. Would you like Purina Dog Chow or Pedigree?" I say without looking at him, eating my food.

"Very funny." He replies scornfully.

"Hilarious. I know." I say imitating the same tone.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong foot...." Zayn says.

"Shut up, Zayn." He still glares at me.

"Feisty today, aren't we?" I side comment, this time looking at him directly in the eyes challenging.

"Harry, It isn't hard to just serve yourself a plate, the food is in the kitchen" Zayn tells him, and Curly huffs at me, and walks to the kitchen grumpily. I almost burst out laughing mischeviously but I decide to contain myself.

"Since you're going to be with us for the time being, how about if you tell us a little about yourself?" Louis says while putting a big piece of chicken in his mouth.

"I'm your bodyguard, my life is confidential to you guys."

They stare at me for a few seconds and then they start laughing. "That was funny. What are you, a spy or something?" Louis comments as he slowly stops cackling.

As soon as he says that, I almost choke on the noodles.

Apparently is possible?

"WHA-- *cough cough* What makes you think of that?" I ask, trying to calm myself, yet a still a little nervous. I am starting to freak out internally, I shouldn't have reacted the way I just did when he said that. Oh my god, I'm such a dumbass.

"That would be awesome, our new guard is actually an undercover spy trying to solve a mystery. Yeah, you have that badass look." Niall grins. I stare at him and his blondness for a while. This gradually is going to get worst if we keep talking about it.

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