Chapter 4: Say Hello To My Little New Friend.

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Chapter 4: Say Hello To My Little Friend



"What?! But Paul said that she was going to sleep through all morning!!"

"Niall. Louis. could you please talk a little bit lower. There's people sleeping."

"I doubt she will wake up though."

"I agree with Zayn, I doubt it too Liam. NIALL, DON'T GET MY BACON!!"

"But still, talk lower. We have an interview in a little bit, so quiet down, I'm already getting a headache."

"Harry isn't awake yet!"


"Oh God."

I keep watching them, specially at how they are so hyped up at freaking 9 in the morning. Thanks to the screams, I ended up waking up this early, so no Zayn, you were wrong about me. Oh, have I told you I'm not a morning person? Well, I am not.

I should better go to a cafe shop, because seems like Goldielocks won't leave me some breakfast. I go up stairs and put a simple purple tee and shorts. I grab my crocs and put them on on the way down stairs. I pick my hair on a ponytail as well.

I grab my phone and make my way to the front door, trying to make the boys not notice me. They are still screaming, of course, so I take the opportunity to head out.

"Where are you going?"


"Shhh!" I place my index on my lips, singnaling Zayn to stay seated and not speak a word. "Going to the closest cafe shop for breakfast. Do not say anything!" I whisper. Zayn just nods and returns to look at the boys, pretending he didn't see anything just now. I head my way out.


I don't know how can they scream that loud so early in the morning. I mean, they are interesting people, but I'm starting to regret this whole thing already. They're just annoying me a little too much, and it's just the first day. Please let these months pass by quuckly, I beg you...

I'm really tired. I feel melancholic. I miss my family...

Wonder what they are doing now...?

I finally reach the coffee shop at the front of the hotel. I am relieved that it isn't packed with people at the moment, I'm really hungry. "Hi. A Frappuccino and a Lemon Cake please."

"Coming right up!" The waitress said.

I manage to find a seat close to the window. The window gives off to the hotel, that now that I notice, it blocks the view of the ocean. It would be nice if the building wasn't in the way.

Now that I'm remembering, I haven't gone there for a while. I don't really want to, though. Reminds me of the case. How they just went and disappeared. Where did they go? Why did they decided to dissapear? Was it because they kidnapped them? Maybe... What if just maybe, it was because of m--



Well. So much for remembering.

"Oh God. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry!"

"I-It's alright! Don't worry, it's okay, I needed a shower anyway..." I say joking around, with my face full of whipped cream and some cold mocha... Yum.

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