Chapter 13

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"Congratulations Black, you won the Godfather of the Year trophy hands down!"


Silence now reigned in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place after Skylar left. Harry, whose nostrils were still smoking with anger, still couldn't believe it. He had a sister and Dumbledore, Sirius, the Weasleys, the Order, had hidden it from him.

"How could you hide that from me?" Harry asked Sirius, who had sat down and had his head in his hands.

"I had no choice. We had no choice." he replied, emphasizing "we". "Dumbledore had convinced us to tell you when the right time came."

"And since Sky arrived, you didn't think it was the right time?" the Boy Who Lived asked sarcastically.

Sirius sighed. He was alone with two angry teenagers, Molly and Arthur dared not interfere. He had sought Molly's gaze several times for a little help, but to no avail.

"Actually, all of you were thinking of yourself. And you say you're godfather..."

Losing patience, Sirius cut him off abruptly.

"Harry, you think Voldemort would react how knowing that there was not one, but two survivors. Do you think Skylar could have faced her when she discovered magic four months ago? Do you think she could have managed to overcome all the attacks from the ministry and the press? I suffered as much as you two knowing that my goddaughter was in an orphanage, alone for fourteen years. You can't even imagine how hard it was to have her so close and not be able to say anything to her. So never dare to question my role as godfather.

Harry gasped. He didn't expect such an explosion. Sirius had never gotten mad at him, it was the first time. The Weasleys watched the scene without flinching, their eyes alternating between the two men.

"I'll see how she's doing." Harry whispered and walked out of the room quickly.

Sirius sighed again as Molly put a hand on his shoulder.

"What do I have to do?" he asked in a desperate tone in his voice.

"Leave them both. They need to digest everything and get to know each other."

By "get to know each other," she meant that the twins needed to take stock as siblings again. Their relationship was not going to be the same at all as it had been before.

"The Order needs to know they know."

"The day of Christmas?"

Sirius nodded.

"Days don't count, Molly. Voldemort can act at any time."

Since the Weasley's children, Harry and Skylar were now aware that the latter was in fact a Potter, the Order had to make sure that none would divulge this information. The ministry would make short work of Skylar, as they did with Harry, as well as the newspapers, especially the Daily Prophet, which has long harassed Harry. When the world learns the truth, it will not be the same. Dumbledore will be accused of liars and the Sirius Black case will come to light.

"Good. I am responsible for contacting the members of the Order."


They had decided to leave Skylar alone for the morning.  After all that, it was normal that she didn't want to see anyone at the moment. But when it was time for lunch, a delicious meal on Christmas Day. Molly had gone to the door to the bedroom where Skylar was sleeping and had called her several times, but no answer. Molly quickly worried and unlocked the door using magic. An empty room, without any trace of the teenager's passage in this house. After having researched by all means how Sky could have escaped, Sirius had come to the conclusion that Kreacher was no stranger to this disappearance. As usual, the elf had contented himself with growling and returning to pass the broom near the portrait of Walburga Black.

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