Chapter 15

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"This, my friend, is a card."


Four days. It had been four days since Thomas had left for an emergency, leaving me alone with the Malfoys and Pettigrew. He had left in a hurry without even telling me where and why. For four days, I had to put up with the Malfoys. As Malfoy Junior predicted, his mother had decided to give me a complete wardrobe change. Since she hadn't had a daughter, she had been delighted to transform me into a pretty little doll, much to my horror. Lucius kept giving me contemptuous looks, which he wouldn't dare to do in Thomas' presence. As for Draco, I had been pleasantly surprised, we could talk to each other without arguing, it was still incredible. Pettigrew had been forbidden to approach or speak to me, which he respected even during meals.

When I walked into the kitchen on the morning of December 31st, I expected everything except Pettigrew cooking. He turned when he heard the door open and screamed, which made me jump and curse him.

"Oh, Skylar!" he cleared his throat and recovered in a calm voice. "How are you?" he asked, holding a bowl and a whisk.

"Well. What are you doing?"

I tried to look at what he had put on the counter but Peter stepped in front so I couldn't see.

"A birthday cake for the master."

I frowned.

"A birthday cake? Is it Thomas' birthday?"

Pettigrew looked up in surprise before muttering a small "yes". Thomas and I never talked about our birthday dates. But I never thought it would be December 31st. Pettigrew seemed to be impatiently waiting for me to leave the kitchen. Judging by his reactions, he wanted to be the one to give her a present. And he had got a head start, it was 10am and if Thomas came home in the afternoon, I didn't have much time to find a present.

"Have fun!" I exclaimed with a smile as I rushed out of the kitchen.

It was out of the question that this ball had a better gift to give than me. But what could I offer by being locked up here? If I left the mansion, Thomas would be angry and Dumbledore would take the first opportunity to bring me back. And let's not forget that everyone knows I'm a Potter, so I had just achieved the same celebrity status as Harry. Back to school, I was already thinking of a contest to see who is the most popular of the two of us. I entered the living room, where Malfoy and his mother were installed. Narcissa was a very beautiful and kind woman. I didn't understand how she managed to live with Lucius and Draco, they were the complete opposite.

"Skylar, my dear, how are you?" she greeted me with a soft smile as I was in total rage that no one had told me that it was Thomas' birthday, and that Pettigrew wanted to do better than me.

"It's not going well at all!"  I exclaim, raising my arms to the sky.

Narcissa put the book she was reading on the table and looked at me with curious eyes.

"What is happening? Was the breakfast bad? I can ask Tinky to..."

"It's Thomas's birthday and I didn't know!" I interrupted her. "And on top of that, Pettigrew is in your kitchen and getting ahead of me!"

Malfoy answered me without looking up from the book he was reading.

"If that can reassure you, I doubt that Pettigrew's cake is edible."

"What can I get him?" I asked Narcissa.

"Well, you could organize a dinner for both of you."

I shook my head. Did I have a head to organize a candle light dinner?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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