Chapter 7

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"Nice to see you again, Skylar"


The end of the week had slowly come, but was finally here, much to my delight. I had received letters from Sirius and the Weasleys, wondering how my return had been. They were really stubborn about me fitting in with them. I couldn't escape my punishment with Umbridge. For two hours, I had to write "I must not be insolent". Like Harry before me, what I was writing on the sheet had soaked into my hand. So I found myself with a beautiful scar from that sentence, which was hard to hide. At dinner, all the Gryffindors were talking about this horrible woman.

"How are we supposed to learn magic in a lesson for 8 year olds?" Seamus asked, who still had disheveled hair from the potion he had detonated two hours ago, much to Snape's dismay.

"Seriously, I never thought I would say that one day, but I prefer Snape's lessons!" Ron exclaimed, swallowing a bite of cake for dessert.

I rolled my eyes at that answer. Snape was as annoying as Umbridge. This man was as cold as a gravestone. He spoke in a monotonous, slow voice, as if trying to put all his students to sleep. But none dared, for fear of reprisals. The Gryffindors had Potions class with the Slytherins. There was no doubt that Snape was the manager of this house. His preference for his house was obvious. He would give them lots of points and get as many points out of my house. I didn't understand how he could be a part of the Order of the Phoenix. Its members all had a positive character trait, but he none. He was way too Slytherin.

"Besides, there are rumors which say that the exit to Hogsmeade was in one month."

"These aren't silly rumors, McGo confirmed that earlier." Fred replied to George.

My head rose immediately. Hogsmeade was the wizarding village near Hogwarts. The students were allowed to go there a few times a year and could walk around the village. It was the perfect opportunity to see Thomas again. But also to do other research about my parents. I had to talk to Dumbledore, but it was like he was avoiding me. I was sure he was hiding.  Harry had confirmed to me that something was wrong with him. Usually he was much closer to him than that, but the headmaster seemed to be avoiding my friend too.

"Hey Everlee, how would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me?" Crabbe called from the Slytherin table.

My eyes moved to them, the entire table eagerly awaiting my answer.

"Rather go with Snape." I scoffed, taking a bite of the tomato.

Gryffindor laughter echoed through the Great Hall as Crabbe's face turned bright red. A few Slytherins laughed, others hissed until a silence spread when we heard a monotonous voice.

"Seeing how much you care about your release, I guess staying in the castle in custody to try to alleviate the disaster that you are in my course would benefit you."

I slowly turned to my right to see Snape standing there, a completely jaded look on his face. I barely opened my mouth to reply when he got ahead of me:

"Two hours of detention."

He didn't wait for a response and immediately walked over to the staff table, with his cloak floating behind him. I sighed, taking my head in my hands as Harry put a hand on my shoulder. I was in too much trouble in such a short time. And my trip to Hogsmeade was canceled. I won't be able to see Thomas for a long time. Unless I could find a way to get there. After all, I was Skylar Everlee. Trouble and I were old acquaintances.


I had tried to find a solution by all means. But none had come to me. My detention with Snape was inevitable. He had decided to stick with me in the afternoon, during the outing. That way, I missed the score and therefore couldn't get to Hogsmeade. It was all the fault of that idiot Crabbe.

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