Chapter 8

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"Trying to fool a Potions professor with Polyjuice Potion was extremely stupid"


"Nice to see you again, Skylar." he said huskily.

I felt a few blushes rise to my cheeks. He was there, in front of me, in the flesh. Exactly the same as the last time I saw him.

"Hi." I just said, mesmerized by his gaze.

He still had his faint red spots in his eyes.

"You are beautiful."

I quickly looked down at my outfit. I was only wearing simple jeans and my green hoodie. I was clearly not in my best outfit.

"Let's go?" I asked to fill my embarrassment.

Thomas nodded and held out his arm to me. The closeness to him was overwhelming. I felt like my lungs had both stopped working.

He opened the door and let me go first, then passed. A small ringing of bells was heard at our entrance. I quickly analyzed the room. There were lots of round tables, where there were lots of couples. Fortunately, there were none of my friends. But looking around the room a second time, I recognized McGonagall, sitting across from an old man. When Fred and George find out McGo was on a date... Seriously, I could have bet on any Hogwarts professor, but never her. I lowered my head to avoid her recognizing me as Thomas directed me to the counter. The living room decor was candy pink, just like Umbridge's office. I'm sure if she would come here she would love it very much. There were also, as in her office, plates hung on the wall, with animals.

"Mr. Abraxas!" a fairly strong woman exclaimed, a black bun perfectly erect on her head.

"Madam Puddifoot." he greeted her with a brief nod, accompanied by a smile.

"And it must be the lovely young girl accompanying you." she said with a big smile on her lips.

As she analyzed me from top to bottom, Thomas stood in front of me. Madam Puddifoot shook her head, as if out of a reverie, and walked around the counter to take us to our table.

"Your table is obviously ready, follow me."

Thomas' presence intimidated her, I could see it just by her reactions. She made sure to not meet his gaze, and was careful to not get in his way. The owner of the tea room took us, to my surprise, to another room completely closed and out of sight, with only one table with a purple tablecloth, as well as cups, spoons, three teapots and sugar. Everything needed for tea was here.

"Mr. Abraxas, Miss." Madam Puddifoot greeted, bowing slightly.

She left the room and closed a red curtain behind her, it was certain that we would be without interruption and in peace. I took off my hood, Thomas did the same.

"There really was no need to do all that." I said, looking at the table.

Thomas motioned for me to sit on the chair he had just pulled out as I put my bag on the floor.

I would have liked to do more, but here, it's complicated."

He in turn sat down in the chair in front of me and picked up one of the teapots and started to the tea.

"Did you make friends? Sugar?"

"Yes. They are really awesome. No thanks."

"All Gryffindors, I suppose?"

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