Chapter 2

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"My name is Thomas Abraxas."


Sirius was more than happy that I agreed to have lunch with them. Although I hate to admit it, Mrs. Weasley's chicken was delicious. It was a huge change from the usual orphanage mash. Other than the Weasleys and Sirius, other people were present at the table. So I quickly got to know Remus Lupin and his wife, Tonks.  She had the ability to change her hair to different colors, but also her face. It had impressed me and especially interested me. So I spent the meal chatting with her. She was sweet and really cool. She was the kind of girl I could probably be friends with.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" I asked Tonks as her hair turned blue.

"I would like. But it's impossible. You must be born a metamorphmagus."

I nodded, slightly disappointed as her hair returned to its usual red hues. I glanced to the side and saw the twins arguing over the last remaining chicken leg. Harry, Remus and Sirius were chatting among themselves as next to them a very stern man stared at me with his magical eye which replaced his left eye which he had no doubt lost.

"Tonks," I leaned close to her to whisper "why has this man been staring at me for a while?"

I quietly pointed my head two places away from me. Tonks lifted her head slightly and came back to me.

"Don't pay attention to Mad-Eye, he has never been very welcoming" she reassured me.

I nodded and we were interrupted by a dark-skinned man wearing a blue wizard's hat, like Merlin's, with the matching outfit.

"Tonks," he nodded. "I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kingsley Shacklebolt, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Skylar."

I gave him a polite smile, finally tried and looked away, uncomfortable with the attention.

"We'll have to go get the necessary supplies for Miss Everlee." the voice of Mad-Eye echoed, resting his hand against his cane.

Molly, who was clearing Ron's plate at the time, replied:

"We will go to Diagon Alley tomorrow.  I have to buy some supplies back for the kids, so we'll be doing Skylar's at the same time."

The problem was that I didn't have any money. I highly doubted that wizards had the same currency as muggles. I'm not saying anything at the moment, but I will talk to Mrs. Weasley about it when we're alone.

"You will need the protection of aurors.  With You-Know-Who back, Harry and Skylar are both targets. Death Eaters are undoubtedly infiltrated." Mad-Eye declared.

"Why is he after me?" I asked for the first time in front of everyone.

Each adult looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Finally, Sirius decided to speak.

"Voldemort is... is someone who can't stand having an equal, in terms of magic." Sirius began to explain.

Remus' face, which was next to him, had relaxed slightly at this beginning of the explanation.

"That's why he's trying to kill Harry.  But you Skylar..."

"Sirius." Mad-Eye warned urgently.

I ignored him and focused on Harry's godfather.

"You are destined to be a powerful witch. Far more powerful than all of us gathered here. Voldemort wants..."

"That's enough!" Mrs Weasley interrupted, tossing a tea towel at him which she held in her hands. She put her hands on my shoulders, my reaction was to tense up. "She's just a child Sirius!"

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