Chapter 1

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"Sire George to serve you. And this is my twin brother, Sire Fred"


When I agreed to come with Dumbledore, I didn't expect that I would have to leave now. The few things I had had remained at the orphanage, Dumbledore assuring me that they would appear where we go.

"We're going to apparate." he told me as we left the orphanage. "It might be quite unpleasant, but don't worry, it's totally normal. Don't let go of my arm until we've landed on the ground."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at his arm he had just extended to me. He nodded to me and I sighed. I took a deep breath and put my arm over his.  From there, thousands of sensations ran through me. My feet got off the ground and I closed my eyes, afraid they would tear off during Apparition.  When we finally landed on the ground, I immediately wanted to throw up, but it evaporated right away. I let go of Dumbledore's arm and looked through my eyes clouded with a few tears from the surprise of the trip. We were in a fairly dark hallway with a few lights dimly illuminating it. The walls were adorned with a rich green tapestry.

"Follow me." Dumbledore told me, striding forward, his robe twirling behind him.

I held back a laugh and followed him.

"Don't look at the portrait that's coming up." Dumbledore warned me, lowering his head.

This sentence almost sounded like a "do it". My curious nature taking over, I looked up at the large portrait hanging on the wall. An old woman with a black cloak and a killer gaze was painted on it, who seemed to be looking at me. I stopped in front of it, really intrigued by the making of this painting, which seemed to contain a real woman. But suddenly the woman moved and screamed, startling me.


I stepped back, slightly frightened by the portrait which continued to shout insults. But suddenly her screams stopped when a red curtain fell over the portrait. I turned my head to the right and saw Dumbledore tucking his wand into his cloak.

"I told you not to look at her." he sighed.

"Sorry," I excused, trying to calm my heart, which was beating much faster than normal after this altercation.

Dumbledore continued on his way, followed by me and we arrived, after many doors passed, in front of a staircase and yet another door, which opened suddenly, revealing a red-haired woman.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you all right? We heard Walburga and…" she paused when she saw me beside the old man. "Oh Merlin, is she?"

The lady didn't wait for Dumbledore's answer and hugged me. I stood there, arms on either side of my body, waiting for this to end. But as she hugged me, I could see what was behind that door.  About ten people were seated around a long table, watching me whispering among themselves. I immediately pulled away from the woman, embarrassed by this.

"Of course, I'm sorry." she apologized, trying to bring up a smile, which didn't hide her disappointment behind her tired eyes.

"Molly, this is Skylar Everlee. Skylar, this is Molly Weasley" Dumbledore introduced us calmly.

I wanted to get out a sentence. But I couldn't. After the portrait, and now all these people watching me, I wanted to go back to the orphanage, where I was considered much less fun. Dumbledore seemed to notice my condition and pointed to the stairs.

"Molly's kids are upstairs. In the?" he turned to Molly.

"First room on your left, on the first floor." she answered with a big smile.

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