Chapter 4

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Do you work at Barjow and Burke?


"Thomas, what a surprise!" I exclaimed with a nervous little laugh.

Thomas's eyes were fixed on mine, making me uncomfortable. His expression was unreadable.

"What are you doing here Skylar?" he asked after a few seconds.

I was slightly surprised that he was familiar with me but that didn't bother me. On the contrary, it suited me.

"I'm working."

"You're working?"

I laughed lightly and spread my arms.

"Otherwise I wouldn't be here."

He nodded in understanding and began to walk slowly around the back room.

"So what brings you here?" I asked, turning my head to have it in my sight.

"I came to open the store. See, I happen to be Borgin and Burkes' employee. The only employee."

My face must have turned pale for sure. He had unmasked me. Why hadn't I left as soon as Malfoy and his son were out? Believing that everything was fine was a big mistake. I started stuttering a few lousy excuses, but Thomas waved me over.

"I didn't think you would be interested in black magic."

"Magic what?" I asked, frowning. "Like that?"

I took one of the vials out of Malfoy's bag and showed it to him. His eyes widened. He strode over to me and snatched the bag and vial from my hands, then went to put them on a shelf.

"Are you unconscious? A single drop on your skin and you would have lost the use of your arm."

To say he was angry was an understatement. He was literally furious.

"I didn't know!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest.

Thomas turned to me and again connected his eyes to mine.

"What are you really doing here, Skylar?"


"The truth." he cut me off.

Did it make sense to tell him the truth? After all, he was Malfoy's friend, someone Dumbledore and the Order clearly didn't trust. But he had stood up for me by preventing Malfoy from coming after me. And again, he had just saved my arm by preventing me from doing more damage with the poison.

"I'm lost." I admitted, biting my lip.


"I don't know where I am."

Thomas rolled his eyes.

"I know what "lost" means. But why are you lost?"

"I had to go to Flourish and Blotts, but it looks like this is the wrong place." I replied, observing the skulls adorning the shelves.

"Come with me."

He turned and walked out of the back room.

"Where are we going?" I asked, following him.

Thomas stopped in his tracks and cocked his head.

"Flourish and Blotts. We're going to have to cross Knockturn Alley. Stay close to me and don't talk to anyone, is that clear?"

I nodded as he opened the shop door to let me go first. I got out and he closed the door behind him, then walked past me to point us in the right direction. The Knockturn Alley was aptly named. It was a frightening street from which a light green mist spread. Thomas was still walking in front of me as I tried to follow, not very reassured by the place. A few people were also in the aisle, all looking terrifying and malicious, dressed in black cloaks. Thomas passed in the middle of two men and I tried to follow him but the looks of these people made me back down. In ordinary times, I would have provoked them. But knowing that they were probably experienced wizards and that I was only a novice, normally not having the right to use magic, I resigned myself. As I backed up, I bumped into someone. I turned quickly to face five or six people with sadistic smiles on their faces. I was literally sandwiched and had no way out. Thomas had already gone far, I couldn't catch up with him.

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