Chapter 14

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"Seriously, do you really have peacocks?"


"My head..." I whispered, opening my eyes, my head pounding like never before.

I closed my eyes and put my hand on my head, trying in vain to ease the pain. I must have fallen asleep again since the next time I opened my eyes my head didn't hurt and the room was brighter. I sat up and saw that I was in a huge four-poster bed with green sheets. The room was just breathtaking. The furniture had to be of great value for its beauty. It seemed so Slytherin. Celeste was in her cage in the corner, along with my suitcase. I got up, pushing back the sheets and headed straight for Celeste. She flew away slightly in her cage, a sign that she was happy to see me. She had nothing, she wasn't hurt. I looked around again. It wasn't the room I had taken in Hog's Head Inn. I was elsewhere. I walked back to the bed to put on my sneakers, which were at the foot of the bed, and walked out the door. I turned the golden handle and looked both sides of the hall to see if the way was clear.

I must have been in a castle, there was no other explanation. The decoration was so rich, the corridor walls were dark, but very well lit by golden chandeliers placed on marble tables.

"Miss Potter?"

I turned abruptly and saw a small man, his hands to his mouth, as if he were a mouse. I wasn't the type to judge on the physical, but my god he was ugly. He had large yellowish teeth with black spots. He actually looked like a rat. But what shocked me the most was that his right hand was like silver. Then suddenly, he gave a sharp cry that made me jump.

"Oh! You... you look exactly like Lily! Oh my God..."

He screamed again and walked quickly towards me. I stepped back as far as he went.

"Who are you?"

"I am... I was a very good friend of your parents. Those green eyes, the same as Lily..."

I jumped again when I bumped into something behind me, a table. I was at an impasse.

"And that hair!" he reached out his silver hand to my hair but I pulled my head back. "Lily was a nice, very nice person. James was less calm, but was very nice too."

I frowned. This man scared me, as much by his appearance as by his cries.

"How do you know I'm James and Lily's daughter?"  I asked slowly.

The man clapped his hands and let out another cry.

"How do I know? Oh, it's very simple, I've known it for a long time, I knew you from birth. A tiny little girl as fragile as glass." Then suddenly he changed his voice. "You know, James and Lily loved me a lot."

I was really starting to get scared. Every time he spoke, he moved closer when I couldn't back away. He continued to look at me, probably remembering James and Lily. If he had really known them, I couldn't understand how my parents had come to be friends with him. He was terrifying. I pretended to look behind him and took a surprised look.

"Oh, a cat!"  I exclaimed.

The man widened his eyes in fear and looked behind him. I took the opportunity to grab the candlestick that I had spotted on the table and blew on the candles so that they went out.

"Where? Where is the..." the man asked, looking down.

"There," I said dryly and as soon as he turned around I hit him hard with the candlestick on the right side of his head.

The force of the blow echoed in the hallway and the man fell to the ground. I pointed the candlestick in his direction, ready to give him a kick again if he got up, then walked around him to gain access to the hallway.

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