Chapter 3

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"Diagon Alley"


Tonks and Remus led us down a secluded, empty street. From there Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, Mad-Eye and a huge black dog were waiting for us. When they saw us Arthur and Kingsley sighed in relief and Moody's eye was spinning all over the place. The dog barked and rushed towards us. I quickly backed up to Remus, I had never been very reassured by dogs. The dog tried to get around Remus, but he stopped him.

"Sirius, you're scaring her."

My eyes widened at this sentence. The dog was Sirius, Sirius was the dog. But was it really amazing in this world? I don't believe that.


The dog barked when he heard the name come out of my mouth, confirming that it was Sirius standing in front of me. Remus, sure I was confident, shifted and let Sirius pass. It quickly reached my hand and licked me. I walked away moaning in disgust as I felt his drool making contact with my skin.

"Yes, that's all well and good." Mad-Eye grumbled, gripping his cane. "Serious problems await you, believe me."

He waved his cane in front of us.

"Moody..." Remus started.

"Let's bring them back." he cut him off, suddenly disappearing, a sign that he had Apparated before.

Tonks gave me a reassuring smile and held out her arm, which I grabbed after sighing as I thought about the lesson we were about to receive.


"FOUR HOURS! YOU ARE DISAPPEARED FOR FOUR HOURS!" Mrs. Weasley yelled into the kitchen, though the whole house and even the neighbors could have heard her.

Fred, George and I were seated in the kitchen chairs while Mrs. Weasley, her husband, Mad-Eye, Sirius, Remus and Tonks were on the other side of the table, standing with their arms folded in front of their chests. When we got back we learned that we had been missing for four hours. George's watch had gone wrong during the time at Ollivander's house without us noticing anything.

George opened his mouth and lifted his finger, about to say something, but his mother cut him off, causing him to stop any attempt at discussion.

"DON'T TRY TO SAY ANYTHING. You were forbidden to leave this house without permission and what did you do? You didn't just go out, but also Skylar! While we had expressly warned of the threat of You-Know-Who! ARE YOU UNCONSCIOUS OR IMBECILE?"

"I would say unconscious." Fred muttered but everyone heard him because of the silence in the room.

"Boys, this situation is serious. You can't imagine the consequences your actions could have had." their father told them with anger in his voice, but without screaming.

I didn't even dare look up from the table, just like the twins. Our little outing had turned into a nightmare, much to our despair. Now we had a troop of adults angry with us. But it wasn't just Fred and George's fault. It was also mine. They had done this for me, after all.

"It's not their fault Mrs. Weasley." I said in a small voice, looking up from the table to look at her. "It's mine, it's me who wanted to go out."

Mrs. Weasley had a confused expression. It was as if she understood my situation and wanted to be kind to me. I was sure she was going to forgive me when she opened her mouth but we were interrupted by Kingsley coming into the kitchen. He paused looking at the three of us, then shifted away, revealing Professor Dumbledore with a very wrinkled old woman wearing a pointy hat and a man with really greasy black hair. While I believed this moment couldn't be worse, it had become.

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