Chapter 11

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"You haven't been in detention for three weeks. Suspect, don't you think?"


The real Defense Against the Dark Arts courses were quickly established. All the students present at the meeting had joined our class. The beginning had been a bit hazy, we had no idea how we would do it. The main thing we needed was a well-hidden place so Umbridge couldn't find us. Hermione had once again found the perfect place: the Room of Requirement. This room appeared on the seventh floor. Unknown to most Hogwarts residents, it was perfect for our classes. You just had to walk past it and think hard about what you wanted in it, like a classroom. As soon as we had free time, we would go to practice. Our schedule was very busy, between lessons, homework and now our new class. The main topic of discussion had been the name of the group. Many proposals had been made, but we had retained Ginny's: Dumbledore's Army. A name that has been accepted by everyone.

Even though we had only been starting for three weeks, we had learned many spells from Harry, who was an excellent teacher. Unfortunately for us, Umbridge's reign was intensifying. She had already had Professor Trelawney fired, Dumbledore was no longer of any use at Hogwarts. Besides, she suspected something. Last week, she proclaimed a new law, associations were now banned.  Filch increased his patrols on the seventh floor, followed by his horrible cat.

The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts, which meant Transfiguration class with McGonagall was finally over, after two long hours of blahblah. I packed my things quickly, ready to go quickly as Hermione seemed not to be in as much of a hurry as I was.

"Everlee, can I talk to you for two minutes?" McGonagall asked, approaching our desk.

I nodded and told Hermione to not wait for me and walked over to the professor's desk. McGonagall waited until all the students had left and shut the door with a flick of her wand.

"Professor Umbridge wishes to see you in her office in an hour." she announced as my eyes widened.

How could I be summoned? I didn't do anything to upset anyone since Harry started class.

"Why? I did absolutely nothing!"

"That is exactly the problem!" McGo exclaimed. (She whispered.) "Whatever you are up to with Potter, Weasley, and Granger, you have to be extremely careful. This woman would not hesitate to send a student to Azkaban."

Everyone at Hogwarts seemed to know that we were doing something in secret.

"We're not up to anything." I replied. "Can I go?"


McGonagall wasn't convinced, but she had no choice. As I opened the door, she added:

"One last thing! You will spend the Christmas holidays in the company of Padfoot and the Weasley family."

Despite my summons to Umbridge's office, my day had brightened up. I wouldn't have to spend Christmas at the orphanage, but with my friends. Nothing could be better than being with the Weasleys and Sirius.


Coming out of Charms class, I immediately went to Umbridge's office, not wanting to be late at the risk of getting stuck again. I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in."

I slowly opened the door and saw the pink candy sitting at her desk in her huge chair. As I entered, the dozens of cats locked in plates hung on the wall meowed in chorus, making me cringe.

"Sit." she ordered me with a smile, pointing to the chair in front of her, chair that I knew well.

I raised an eyebrow, far from being impressed by the tone and sat down anyway, putting my school bag on the floor. Umbridge put her hands on her desk and entwined them.

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