Chapter 9

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"It was you who added the armadillo bile!"


By mid-November, life at Hogwarts had never been so boring. My detention hours were finally over to my relief. Luck being on my side, Snape hadn't asked any questions about how I had managed to get to Hogsmeade. Colin had been on detention for two weeks but only an hour a day. So I had company during this extremely long period. I had to clean up every stinky and disgusting cauldron the students used during the day, and without magic. On top of that, I had also been on detention by Umbridge, again thanks to Crabbe. As we waited for the toad to arrive in her classroom, he would tell almost everyone that I was begging him to meet me at Hogsmeade. Against Hermione's reprimand, I decided to throw a ball of paper at him. But since luck was still on my side, Crabbe had managed to dodge it. And guess who had just arrived and took the ball of paper in her face? Detention with Umbridge in her charming office writing "I must not attack others" for a whole Saturday afternoon. A week later, my hand still hurts a lot.

Dumbledore was nowhere to be found. He remained locked in his study while the students and teachers of Hogwarts suffered the cataclysms of Umbridge. Everyone was literally at their wit's end. And things hadn't worked out. Fudge had decided to proclaim her envoy "Grand Inquisitor". Umbridge now had full rights to Hogwarts. Many laws had been displayed in the hall, in large glass frames. Umbridge had been busy for the last few days. She would find out about each teacher in their own class and ask them various questions while taking notes. Even though I hate her with all my heart, I had to admit that classes were a lot less boring since she came in.

Going to Potions class this morning with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, a big smile appeared on my face when I saw Umbridge, with her notepad, already waiting outside the door for Snape to let the students in.

"It promises to be interesting." Ron whispered as I nodded.

Umbridge gave us a quick glance before turning to the door, sitting up to her full height and coughing lightly. Seconds later, the door opened, revealing Snape, a delighted look on his face as he saw Hogwarts Enemy Number 1 outside his door.

"Professor Umbridge, what do I owe the honor of your presence?" he asked in a slow voice, with no expression on his face.

Umbridge smiled at him.

"I would just like to attend your class, dear."

Umbridge motioned for his to step aside, which he did and she entered, still with a sadistic smile on her lips. Snape, annoyed as he could be, cocked his head towards the door to signal the Gryffindors to enter, which we did. Long tables awaited us, which meant we were going to be writing, not making potions. Even though I was a disaster in the design, I preferred to make the potions. I sat down next to Ron, as Harry and Hermione settled themselves across from us. Parvati, who was sharing our room, soon sat down next to me, greeting us. Snape, as usual, didn't wait until all the students had arrived and started his lesson.

"Open your books on page 378." he ordered us, waving his wand for the books to come in front of us.

"What are you going to teach Severus?" Umbridge asked, pointing with her quill at the books scattered around the tables.

"The students will be introduced to the Draught of Peace, which they will prepare during the next class. You will have two weeks to prepare a three-inch parchment for me on the properties of moonstone and its use in magic potions." Snape announced monotonously.

Umbridge was pleased with this announcement as a few sighs were heard.

"Three-inch!?" I exclaimed, whispering to Ron, who nodded, his eyes widening.

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