Chapter 10

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"Harry is single!"


The next day, the second Hogsmeade trip was announced, it would take place on Saturday in two weeks. It was the perfect opportunity to bring together the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws to tell them about our plan. It was necessary to have another professor. Voldemort was arguably much closer than we could imagine, and we were unable to defend ourselves. Travel day had arrived quickly, I had acted impeccably over the past two weeks so as not to get pasted that day. We had, despite the strong presence of Umbridge and Filch, managed to get the word out that a meeting was being organized in Hogsmeade. We warned the people we had complete confidence in. So no Slytherin knew about it. The question now was: which place to choose? The Three Broomsticks was far too crowded, as was Madam Puddifoot's tea room. But after some research, Hermione had found the "perfect" place, she said. Only half an hour before the start of the meeting, we were heading towards this place. It was a surprise to Harry, Ron and I, who had no idea what this place was. I hoped the meeting wouldn't last long. I was due to join Thomas in ten minutes, but the meeting prevented me. I just had to hope he didn't blame me.

"This is crazy!" Harry cried as the four of us walked through the Hogsmeade snow.

"If it's only now that you wake up." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Who would want me as a teacher? I'm supposed to be nuts, remember?"

"Try to be positive!" Ron exclaimed giving him a shoulder.

"You might be nuts but we love you anyway." I added putting my arm around his shoulder as Ron and Hermione laughed.

The closer the hour approached, the more tense Harry became. He who, until then had more or less accepted to become our teacher, deflated at the last minute.

"You can't be worse than that old toad!" I said seeing him swallow.

"Who's supposed to come to this meeting?" the dark haired wizard asked.

"Only two or three students." Hermione replied, striding ahead of us.

We arrived in front of an old wooden building, with a sign inscribed "Hog's Head". The exterior was disappointing, but maybe the interior could surprise us. Ron devoted himself to opening the door, leaving us in front of a dark and very dusty room, in which sat an old man and a goat.

"Very charming..." Ron said with an air as disgusted as mine.

"I thought a place with little traffic would be safer." Hermione replied, who didn't look excited either.

The goat decided it was a good time for a little jog and ran across the room, while the man yelled behind her trying to grab her.

"Hey honey, come over here!"

"What did we get into?" I whispered, following the goat and the man with my eyes.

They all nodded.


Only a few feet away, a young man was watching the Gryffindor quartet, slightly angry at the scene he was witnessing. The four teenagers laughed, although the famous Harry Potter hid immense anguish in him. Harry Potter, the young man thought. So close and yet so far. It would have been so easy to kill him from here. But her sister being next door, it was impossible. The wizard might have been cruel, but not so much to let Skylar witness her brother's murder. Harry Potter will die but without Skylar witnessing the fight, he promised himself. While he should be happy to see that smile on the teenager's face, he couldn't help but feel some jealousy. It was only him who had the right to make her smile, not those stupid Gryffindors, or anyone else. She would be late, he was sure. He had only used Legilimency on her once, it was on their previous date, but it was once too many. He had decided not to use it anymore, except in extreme cases.

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