After the Rain

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The sun was rising in the Pridelands. Finally, after many days of hard rains and thunderstorms there was sun. A small cub had awoken and was standing on the edge of Pride Rock, excited for the day to begin. He ran into the den to wake up his father, the King of the Pridelands. "Dad, dad, dad, dad", Simba shouted. The sound of the young cub running through the den resulted in many protests of him being too loud. "Simba, you'll wake up the rest of the pride," his mother said sleepily. "Oops, sorry mom," he replied a bit more quietly as he approached his father. The cub nudged his father trying to wake him up. The King grunted in his sleep. "Mufasa, your son is awake," Sarabi said quietly. The King slowly opened his eyes and looked into the pleading eyes of his son. "Come onnnn! It's not raining anymore," Simba said. "That doesn't mean it won't start raining soon," Mufasa responded. The King was very tired of the rain and bad weather because it didn't mean his kingly duties came to a halt. So while the rest of the pride was inside for most of the time, he had to walk outside in the rain. "No dad I promise, you'll see. There are no clouds anymore," Simba said as tried pushing his dad over the rock bed. Finally he gave up and decided to go check out the weather for himself. "YEAHH!" shouted Simba as he bounded towards the entrance of the den. "SHHH '', came the sounds of the sleeping lionesses. Mufasa chuckled as gently shoved his son outside the den. "Heyyy! What was that for?" Simba asked, laughing. It was true, the Pridelands rainy season had finally ended and it was time for the King to start his day.

Right on cue, Zazu approached. "Morning Sire, beautiful day, is it not? '' the Majordomo asked. Mufasa nodded in agreement, taking in the sun and breathing in the crisp morning air. The air was still damp and the grass was still shining in the sun from the morning dew. As Zazu gave the morning report, Simba got bored and decided to play around for a bit. However he wasn't looking where he went and ran right into his mother. "Ouch," he exclaimed as he looked up at his mother. "Simba, you have to be more careful" she said gently as she used her muzzle to lift her son onto his paws. "Sorry mom," Simba said as he smiled up at her. Sarabi sat down and Simba brushed up against her forearms whilst purring. Sarabi licked him slightly on the top of his head, something she knew he hated. "MOOM!! Stop messing up my mane" he cried whilst making a face at her. Sarabi laughed and just smiled at her son who had run around to play with his mother's tail. "Thank you Zazu, I will see you later" Mufasa said in the distance before walking over towards his mate. As he approached, Sarabi stood up to greet him with a nuzzle. Simba interrupted this however when he jumped between their two heads. "Dad! Can I come with you today?" he asked. "No, not right now. I have some things to attend to at the north border, and it will take a while to get there," Mufasa replied. Simba pouted, "But I can walk, I promise," he said pleadingly. Mufasa just shook his head. "It just isn't possible. Now run along and play with Nala," he said. "Simba, listen to your father," his mother added. Simba knew better than to keep asking and so he obeyed and ran off to find his best friend.

"Nala!" he shouted as he ran up to the entrance of the cave. "Morning Simba," she replied smiling. "Do you wanna go play in the Pridelands. It finally stopped raining," he asked. "No it will still be muddy and dirty so I wanna stay on Priderock" Nala replied. "Fineee, ok. Well see you later" he shouted as ran off down the steps of Pride Rock. Nala then followed her mother, Sarafina, as well as Sarabi to the other side of Pride Rock where most of the lionesses spent their days relaxing. It was a great place to lounge in the sun.

Nala was right, it was extremely muddy and slippery. Simba almost fell when he was walking down the steps of Pride Rock. Nevertheless, he still wanted to play since he hadn't been outside for weeks due to the bad weather. He started off at the water hole and noticed that it was a lot bigger than before. This was due to the amount of rain that the Pridelands had received. He decided to take a quick drink before heading out. He had a fun day planned ahead of him. Simba reached the place where he and Nala usually climb trees. Climbing trees was one of the three things that he was best at, apart from swimming and pouncing. He started to climb one of the trees, but what he didn't realize was that the trees had become more slippery than usual because of the rain. As Simba reached the top, he lost the grip that he had been using with his claws and started to fall. "AHHH", he screamed as he fell head first to the ground. Luckily, a nearby giraffe had been watching the prince and rushed to his aid. The giraffe managed to catch him before he fell, probably saving the prince's life. "Thank you, mister," Simba said, panting. "You're most welcome. But please, be more careful young Prince as the Pridelands can be a dangerous place when wet and slippery." the giraffe responded. Simba nodded, then thanked the giraffe again before running off to play somewhere else. As the cub walked, he stopped to smell and pounce at almost everything. To a young cub like himself, the Pridelands was a place full of curious things and everything needed to be explored. Simba had been running and playing for a while before he reached the river. This river was not your typical wild, rushing body of water, it was more calm and was often the place where Simba and Nala swam, apart from the waterhole of course. However today the water was wild, there was a lot of current and the water level was high. Although a smart cub, Simba wasn't the brightest and often made rash decisions before thinking them entirely through. He jumped into the water in order to swim across, however he had no idea how strong the current was until it started to sweep him away and pull him under. "HELP! HELP!" Simba shouted, hoping that there was someone out there who heard him. He felt like he was going to drown soon, but a hippo managed to hear his cries for help and scooped him up just in the nick of time. The hippo dropped Simba onto land. "," Simba said, breathing hard. "Prince Simba. What were you doing!" the hippo exclaimed. She looked at him sternly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight," he sighed. "You certainly were not. Are you okay though?" she asked with concern. Simba nodded, the hippo smiled and he ran off to play some more.

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