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As the sun streamed in through the cracks of the den, the King slowly opened his eyes and yawned. It was much later than he'd usually be awake and he had to admit he enjoyed not having to wake up at the crack of dawn. He looked around and noticed his mate was already gone, probably getting started on the hunt early, which wasn't surprising. What was surprising, however, was that his teenage daughter was already gone. He didn't have time to think further before the Queen walked in. "Morning sleepyhead," she called out. The King turned around and smiled. "Good morning Nal," he replied, giving her a nuzzle. "Have you seen Kiara?" he asked. "No I haven't actually," she replied. The King furrowed his eyebrows. "But that means she was awake before you," he started. Nala looked over at him with a disapproving look. "No teenager is up that early," he continued. "Oh Simba, stop worrying so much." Nala chuckled. "She's probably out and about, she's fine. Now I need to finish up some hunting. I'll see you later," she said, giving him a quick lick. Simba sat down before an idea popped into his mind.


As he reached the bottom of Pride Rock he called out for his old friends. "Hey Timon, Pumba!" he shouted. "Simba! What can we do for you?" Timon asked. "You guys didn't happen to see where Kiara went this morning?" he asked. "Kiara is already up?" Pumba questioned. Simba huffed in annoyance. "Yes, weird right?" he said. "Well we haven't been up for that long to tell you the truth, and we've been eating breakfast so we wouldn't have noticed a thing," Timon stated. The King thanked them and continued on his way. He had to get going with morning patrol.


Meanwhile somewhere far out in the Pridelands a certain young lioness was practicing her hunting skills. "Come on Kiara, come on," she whispered to herself. She pounced out of her hiding place, only to find herself flat on her face. "Ouch" she mumbled out loud. "You seriously need to 'pounce' more quietly," someone said. Kiara just rolled her eyes at her friend. "Oh come on Kani, you couldn't seriously have heard me that time," she exclaimed panting slightly. "I'm sorry, but you do know I hear almost everything," he replied, pointing up at his ears. Kiara pouted and sat down next to the fox. "Ugh, I'll never be able to get it," she sighed. "Sure you will. Come on, let's try one more time," Kani suggested. Kiara smiled at him appreciatively and closed her eyes so that Kani could hide. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath and crouched low to the ground, following the scent of her friend. All of a sudden she got a hold of a different scent, it was familiar and as she recognized who it was she scrambled to get downwind from it. In doing so she bumped into Kani. "Hey! What are you doing," he exclaimed. "Shhh, shhh, be quiet! It's my dad," Kiara whispered, pointing her head in the direction of her father. Kani mouthed an "ohh" and nodded in understanding. Before long the King had disappeared from view and Kiara exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath. "Well at least we know that you know how to keep downwind," Kani smirked up at her. The Princess rolled her eyes at him. "Hey, come on, let's keep practicing," she said. The pair continued practicing pouncing until it started to rain. "Oh no. I better get home quick or else my parents will freak," she exclaimed. "See you tomorrow?" Kani called out. Kiara shouted back with a yes and quickly ran off in the direction of Priderock.


Kiara finally arrived back at Priderock, dripping wet and tired from the pouncing and the running. She quickly shook dry and headed into the den. She noticed that her father wasn't back and she let out a sigh of relief. "Hey honey, how was your day?" Nala asked. "It was good. I hung out with Kani," she replied with a smile. "Well dinner is almost ready," Nala said. Kiara was about to answer before Simba walked in. "Kiara, where have you been all day?" he questioned. "I was out," she said, sighing. "Out where?" he asked. "I was just out," she said, putting emphasis on the 'out'. Simba sighed. "Do you wanna tell me where? Or what you were doing?" he continued asking. "No," she said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Kiara headed towards the entrance of the den. "Where are you going Kiara?" Simba asked with a raised tone. "I'M JUST GOING TO GET SOMETHING TO DRINK! ALRIGHT?" she shouted. "Not in this weather you won't, and don't use that tone!" he angrily said back. Kiara let out a scream of frustration before leaving. Simba looked back at Nala. "What!?" he said. Nala sighed. "I just want to know where she's been all day! Do you know?" he asked. "As a matter of fact, I do," she replied. Simba looked confused. "She was hanging out with Kani, she told me just before you got here," she said as she nuzzled Simba gently. Simba let out a sigh. "I guess I was a little tough on her," he said. Nala nodded. "Would you go get her though? Dinner is ready," she said, giving him a lick and heading over to the food den. Simba nodded and went back outside into the rain.


The rain had stopped but the leaves were still dripping with leftover rainwater. The dark clouds had disappeared and the sun had returned and was starting to set. As the King walked down the steps of Priderock he noticed his daughter sitting at the edge of the small waterhole beside their home. As he approached her, he could hear quiet sniffles and sobbing. Instantly Simba felt a pang in his heart, feeling bad for the way he had acted earlier. "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" he asked. She didn't reply and so he sat down next to her. Kiara didn't move and so he continued. "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have been so mad at you," he said. Kiara just continued crying, harder this time. "Hey, hey, hey, it's alright. Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asked. She looked up at him, eyes red from crying and tears falling down her cheek. "I..I..I..can't do it," she said in between sobs. Simba titled his head. "What can't you do?" he asked. She sniffed. "I can't pounce!" she exclaimed and burst into tears again. "Oh is that what this is all about?" he said. Kiara nodded, sniffing and drying her eyes. "I've been trying to practice with Kani, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it," she said. Simba smiled at her. "Well, what do you say we practice together?" he suggested. "But don't you have more important things to do. Such as king stuff," she said with a lowered head. "Hey, nothing is more important than you. Don't you forget that," Simba said as he gently lifted her head up with his paw so that she was looking straight at him. Kiara nodded and leaned up against her father. "Why don't your mother and I both help you, your mother is the best pouncer I know and a great hunter," he said. Kiara nodded again in agreement. "Come on, let's get you back inside. It's getting cold and you're dripping wet," he said. "Thanks dad. I love you" Kiara said and gave him a nuzzle. "I love you too," Simba replied and returned the nuzzle. The pair then walked back up the steps of Priderock.


Kani is an OC of mine. He is bat-eared fox and the name comes from the Swahili word for sound.

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