The First Thunder

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It was late afternoon in the Pridelands, it was cloudy and all the animals were beginning to turn in for the day and rest. Down in the tall grass, two lion cubs were playing and having some last minute fun before it was time to go back home. "Pinned ya," one cub shouted as she lay down on top of her best friend. "Heyy, come on Nala, do you always have to win?" he complained. Nodding she replied, "yes Simba of course I do," and smirked a little as she finally let him back on his paws. All of a sudden there was a lightning bolt and the sound of thunder followed right after. The cubs screamed and looked at each other frightened to their core. "What was that!" Simba screamed. "I..I..I'm not sure Simba," Nala replied, shaking.

Meanwhile back up at Pride Rock the lionesses had just returned with today's kill. They heard the thunder too. "Oh my, I think it might rain soon," Sarabi said. "I think you're right Sarabi. We better get the cubs back sooner," Sarafina added. "Zazu!" Sarabi called out. "Yes, madam," he replied as he flew over. "Could you please bring in Simba and Nala?" she asked. Zazu nodded before flying off to fetch the cubs. Not long after the King of the Pridelands returned from his daily duties as king. He noticed his mate and called out to her. At the sound of her name Sarabi turned around to see Mufasa coming towards her. "Hello my love," he said as he nuzzled her. She returned the nuzzle and replied, "good evening, how was your day?" "It was ok. Simba not home yet?" he asked. She shook her head. "But I have asked Zazu to bring them home. I think it might rain soon," she said. Mufasa turned and started heading towards the den, "I think I might take a nap." he said. Sarabi licked her mate on the cheek, then joined the rest of the lionesses in dragging in their kill for the night.


"Simbaa! Nalaa!" Zazu called out. Flying overhead he was trying to find the cubs, but the tall grass and the darkening world made that task quite difficult. "Zazu, we're over here!" Simba shouted. The majordomo landed in front of the cubs. "Come along, it's time to go home. Your mother's sent me," he stated. "But Zazu, there was a strange noise. We don't know what it is, but it sounded very scary," Simba said. Zazu, not being great with kids, didn't have a clue what they were talking about. "It's probably nothing, now let's get going," he said as he lifted off into the air. Both cubs sighed and followed the majordomo back home. As they reached the foot of Pride Rock another lightning bolt struck, followed by thunder. The cubs screamed and ran all the way up the steps as fast as their paws could carry them. They ran so fast that they didn't notice anything in front of them and bumped right into their parents, who had all approached the edge of Pride Rock at the sound of their screaming children. "Dad!" Simba exclaimed as he saw who he had bumped into. He snuggled up close against his father's chest. "Honey, are you ok? What's wrong," Sarabi asked. Simba looked up and crawled over to his mother. "There was a large BOOM!" he cried. "Oh sweetheart, that's just what we call thunder," she said as she gently licked him. Simba didn't protest the licking, just looked up. "Thunder?" he questioned. "Yeh, it's a sound that comes from the clouds and comes after the lightning or big light," his father said. "But it's scary...Aren't you scared dad?" he asked. "No son, I'm not," Mufasa replied as he chuckled lightly. Simba stood up and walked up to his dad. "Well then I'm not either!" he stated proudly. But at the sound of another round of thunder, he cowered behind his father's paws. Nala too was shaking and had crept back into her mother's chest. "Dad, where are you going!" Simba shouted as his dad stood up and started walking towards the majordomo. "I'm just going to speak with Zazu. Go on inside with your mother. I'll be there in a minute," he said smiling. The prince turned to follow his mother, Sarafina and Nala back into the den. There was another BOOM and the two cubs ran as quickly as they could into the shelter of the den. "Zazu, feel free to stay the night if you must. It will probably start raining soon," the King told his majordomo. "Thank you, your majesty, but I think I'll manage," he replied as he took off and flew home.

Inside the den, the rest of the pride was eating when Mufasa entered. "Dad!" Simba shouted as he ran up. "Woah Simba, slow down. What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "I was just scared for you cause you were still outside and there was still thunder," he said. "Simba, don't worry. It might be loud and scary, but it won't hurt you," he reassured. Mufasa left his son to go join the rest to eat. However Simba couldn't eat, he was too scared, confused and traumatized. The sound of the thunder reminded him of a day he would much rather forget, the stampede. He shivered at the thought of that day and walked up to the throne bed to lay down. It started to rain outside and the air started to become cold. "Hey Simba, you ok?" Nala asked. "I'm fine Nala," he replied. Nala didn't seem convinced but decided not to push further. She gave him a quick nuzzle and bid him good night. "See you tomorrow Simba," she said smiling as she bounded over to her mother to receive her bath. Simba watched Nala settle down with her mom and snuggle up in her paws. There was another strike of lightning, followed by thunder which made her jump slightly, but she was comforted by Sarafina. Simba shook as he covered his ears with his paws. He hadn't even noticed that he had cowered all the way back and was up against the wall before his mother gently picked him up by the scruff of his neck and carried him back to the middle of the rock bed. "Simba honey, you're still shivering," she exclaimed. Simba whimpered and nodded. "Aw sweetheart, I thought you understood that it's just a loud noise," she said as she nuzzled him and licked him. He curled up into his mother as the thunder and rain continued outside. "Still scared?" Mufasa asked as he joined the two on the rock bed. Sarabi nodded, "but it is weird that he continues to be scared." The King lay down beside his mate and rested his head between his paws and closed his eyes. Sarabi did the same, careful to leave a bit of room for Simba.


In the middle of the night Simba awoke suddenly from a nightmare. He was panting and sweating uncontrollably. The prince stood up and went over to check on his father who was sleeping soundly beside his mother. The thunder had thankfully stopped, but the young cub was still afraid due to old memories getting drawn back up. "" he whispered, poking at his father's paw. Mufasa stirred and opened his eyes slowly. "Huh? What is it Simba?" he asked as he yawned. "Umm, I had a nightmare and I'm thirsty," he said. Mufasa sighed quietly and stood up, motioning for Simba to follow him. "Ok, come on," he whispered to not wake up the others. The clouds from earlier had disappeared and what was left was a beautiful starry night sky and the bright moon that shone just enough light to make out a path. Luckily there was a waterhole nearby, designed to be right next to Pride Rock. The pair walked in silence down to the waterhole so that Simba could get a drink. He lapped up the water quickly, having not had anything to drink for a long time and being extremely hot from the sweating. "Wanna tell me what your nightmare was about?" Mufasa asked his son. Simba gulped, not knowing if he wanted to tell his dad about this specific nightmare. "I....don't know," he answered as he turned from the waterhole and started walking back towards where his father was sitting. Mufasa nodded and turned to go back to the den, Simba quietly following behind him. The pair reached the sleeping den again and Mufasa lay down beside Sarabi, closing his eyes. Simba stepped up onto the rock and snuggled up against his father. Mufasa opened an eye and took a quick glance at his son, sighing to himself worriedly. Whatever his nightmare was, it was a discussion for another day.

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