The First Thunder Pt.2

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It had been a few days since the cubs had experienced their first thunder and unfortunately for them it was the rainy season so thunderstorms were an almost daily occurrence. Nala had become used to the thunder and the loud noises and wasn't as scared of it anymore. However Simba was still struggling. Each crash of thunder reminded him of the stampede and was giving him nightmares every single night. As a result he wasn't sleeping very well and his parents were starting to get worried. Nala too could feel something was up as Simba wasn't his usual playful self anymore. "Hey Simba, what's wrong?" she asked one day. "Nothing. I'm fine," he replied, looking down at his paws. Nala, too afraid to pry, just nodded and left him to his own thoughts.

A week had now passed and it was the middle of the night. It had been raining all day and only now was it quiet. Although pitch black outside, Simba could make out where his father was and quietly walked over. It had almost become a routine for him now that every time there was thunder, he'd check if his father was still alive. Sarabi stirred and opened her eyes to see her son awake and standing. "Simba? What are you doing?" she whispered. "Uhh, nothing. Just checking something," he mumbled as he lay back down. Sarabi furrowed her brow but didn't question further on the matter. The next morning, before Simba was awake, Sarabi pulled Mufasa off to the side and quietly discussed what she had seen the night before. The King too looked concerned and promised that he'd talk to their son later.


As Mufasa entered the den he noticed that Simba was still lying in the same position he was in the morning. He wondered if he'd even been inside all day. Today was the first day it hadn't been raining and the sun was starting to set. "Simba," he called out. Simba's ears perked up at the sound of someone calling his name and turned his head slightly. "Why don't you and I take a walk," he said. Simba reluctantly stood up and followed his father outside, squinting his eyes as he stepped out of the den. The King walked up to the top of Priderock, a place where he'd taken Simba before, and sat down waiting for his son to join. "Simba, you need to tell me what's been going on with you the past week," he said gently. The Prince looked down at his paws, not wanting to answer. "You might not want to talk about it, but I know you'll feel better once you do," he continued. Simba still didn't say a word. Mufasa sighed. "I may not be afraid of the thunder, but I will occasionally have a nightmare or two about the stampede as well," he said. Simba tensed up a little but didn't look up. "But I am still here. I'm not going anywhere and you don't have to worry about me," Mufasa reassured. Tears started falling down Simba's cheek. "Simba, look at me," he said. Simba slowly looked up. "I just keep having nightmares that you don't wake up," Simba finally admitted. Mufasa smiled gently at his son and comforted him as Simba continued to cry. "How do I make this feeling go away dad," he asked. "Think about good things such as playing with Nala or watching the stars or swimming or anything else you can think of that makes you happy," he replied. Simba nodded. "And anytime that you're scared, remember that I'm always here for you, alright?" he added. Simba sniffed but nodded in understanding. Mufasa gave his son a nuzzle before they both headed back down. Simba was finally able to get a good night's rest and after a couple of days he was back to playing with Nala all day long and everything was back to normal. Whenever it started thundering, Simba wasn't afraid any longer because he knew that he was safe and sound and that nothing would be able to hurt him. 

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