Another First Thunder

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It was a day like any other in the Pridelands. Animals were feeding, drinking, playing and enjoying themselves in the savanna. The King, Simba, was out performing his royal duties, observing every creature and listening to his surroundings when he saw huge dark clouds in the distance. "Looks like a storm is heading this way Sire," Zazu said as he flew down from the sky and onto the king's shoulders. "Yes it seems likely, but it shouldn't be too bad. Probably just some scattered thunderstorms," the King answered. "Still, we should inform the herds and head back to Priderock," he continued. Zazu nodded and flew off to warn the herds of the incoming thunderstorm.


Meanwhile, up at Priderock, the lionesses had just returned from their hunt with fresh kill for the entire Pride. Their head hunter, who was also the Queen, puffed as she climbed the last steps of Pride Rock with their dinner. "Mom!" she heard a voice shout. It was her daughter, princess Kiara. Nala looked up at the sound of the voice and smiled as she saw Kiara running towards her. "Hey sweetheart, how was your day with grandma?" she asked as he gently licked her daughter on the head. "It was kinda boring. I would rather be out with you!" she exclaimed excitedly. "I know, but you know perfectly well that you can't go on hunts until you're at least a few months older," she answered. "But you can help me carry this inside," Nala stated as she gestured towards the food. Kiara pouted but helped her mother and the other lionesses nonetheless in carrying their dinner into the den. The Queen then told the rest of the lionesses to go get some rest before it would be time to eat. "Mom, when's dad coming home?" Kiara asked. "I'm not sure honey, but soon I think. Why don't you go outside and play while you wait for him" she answered. Just then Zazu flew in and landed in front of the Queen. "Your majesty, I am to inform you that there appears to be a thunderstorm approaching and to stay inside," he stated. "Thank you Zazu, I'll inform the rest of the Pride. You should get home before the storm arrives," she said as the majordomo nodded at her and flew off. Nala informed her mother and the rest of the lionesses of the incoming storm too before heading outside to look for Kiara and wait for Simba to come back. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning followed by a huge crash of thunder.


Kiara was just below Priderock, playing with a beetle. She was chasing after it, pouncing on it and trying her best to catch it when she heard the thunder. As she did, the princess screamed so loudly that the whole Pridelands could have heard her had it not been for how loud the actual thunder itself was. "WHAT WAS THAT!" she screamed as she cowered and shook with her whole body. Then it began to rain. Big, fat droplets of water soaking her entire coat, making her damp and cold. She started shivering, but was too scared to move an inch. "I want my mommy," she called out quietly. The rain was pounding hard onto the ground, thunder still booming in the distance. There was another flash of lightning and Kiara shut her eyes tightly and wrapped her paws above her ears in hope of not hearing the thunder that followed. That wasn't enough though and soon after the bright light, there was a crash of thunder. "AHH!" Kiara screamed again, trembling and shaking as she tried her best to curl up in a ball. All of a sudden she heard someone call out her name. It was distant and she wasn't sure if she was hearing correctly. Still too scared to open her eyes, she kept them shut. However the sound of someone calling her increased and she carefully opened her eyes slowly. She cried out in relief when she saw that it was her father, Simba, who had called out to her. "Daddy!" she cried as she tried to stand up and run towards him. "Shh, shh, it's okay, you're okay, it's going to be alright," Simba said as he tried to comfort his daughter. Kiara whimpered and cried as she nuzzled her father. "What do you say we get you back inside, huh?" he asked. The princess nodded and Simba picked her up by the scruff of her neck and started walking back to Priderock.


"Kiara! There you are," Nala exclaimed as she rushed towards her mate and daughter. Upon reaching them she realized how soaked the both of them were and quickly took Kiara from Simba and began licking her dry. Kiara, who was still frightened to death, had her eyes completely shut the whole time. Once she was done, Nala tried nudging her daughter carefully. "Hey Kiara, it's okay. You're safe now, you can open your eyes," she said softly. Slowly but surely, Kiara started opening her eyes again and looked up at her mom and dad who were lying next to her. "Mom, what was that?" she cried. "It's called thunder. It's a loud sound that follows after lightning, which is the bright light," Nala explained. "Is it still...going on?" Kiara asked quietly. "I'm afraid so honey, but don't be scared. It's not going to hurt you," Simba said. Kiara nodded but still didn't look totally convinced. There was another thunderclap. "AH!" she screamed as she jumped up on all fours. "Hey, hey, it's okay Kiara, come here," Simba said gently as he stood up and walked towards his daughter. Kiara lowered her head and started sobbing quietly again. "I'm so scared," she said in between sobs. "I know honey. You know I was too actually the first time I heard thunder. Do you wanna hear that story?" he asked. Kiara nodded and Simba gently nudged Kiara back to their sleeping spot. She curled up in her mothers paws and rested her head on them, looking up at her father. Simba began telling the story whilst Nala gently licked Kiara to comfort her every time there was more thunder. Although she tensed up everytime, Kiara didn't scream at the sound of thunder throughout the night. She knew that she was safe alongside her mom and dad.

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