The Storm

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The King looked out across his kingdom and frowned. A storm was approaching, and by the looks of it it looked like it was going to be big. He called out for his majordomo. "Zazu! Can you do something for me?" he asked. Zazu flew over next to the King. "I need you to check on each of the herds and animals and warn them of the incoming storm, then report back to me when you're done," he said. He watched as the majordomo flew off and walked off too in order to check up on the animals. The storm hadn't fully hit yet but it was raining hard and the wind was starting to pick up. Most of the animals had shelter that they could use, and others had friends or family that they could stay with. All animals were accounted for and so Mufasa started heading back to Pride Rock.

As Mufasa entered the den, his mate approached him quickly. "Mufasa! Thank god you're back," she exclaimed. The King shook his mane to try and dry himself off from the rain. He was still dripping wet however. "What's wrong Sarabi?" he asked. "It's Simba. We can't find him!" she said worriedly. At the sound of this Mufasa got worried too. It wouldn't be safe for Simba to be outside right now, especially in this weather. "Where did you last see him?" he asked with a serious look on his face. "We aren't sure. Nala and him got separated in the storm as they went home," she said. He turned to Nala, who was shivering from the cold of the rain. "Nala, are you ok? I'm sorry to have to ask you this but, do you have any idea at all where my son could be?" he questioned. "Um well we were playing by the waterhole and then it got so windy and rainy that we couldn't see ahead of us at all. We just started walking and luckily I was able to reach Pride Rock. But Simba wasn't behind me anymore," she said quietly. "Thank you Nala. Well he couldn't have gotten far. I'm going to go look for him," he said as he ran out of the den. "I'll help you!" Sarabi shouted as she too ran outside of the den.


The storm was much worse now, raining harder than ever, wind blowing from every possible direction, making it impossible to see even one foot ahead of you. It was even harder to hear and so Mufasa and Sarabi doubted if their son could even hear their calls and cries. "What if we can't find him Mufasa," Sarabi cried as she wiped rain and tears from her eyes. "I'm sure we'll find him soon. Besides, with what we've taught him, I think he will manage for a while until we find him," he replied. Just then the wind blew so hard that a tree broke in half and fell right in front of the royal couple, slamming hard into the ground. "Mufasa! Watch out!" Sarabi screamed as she pulled Mufasa out of harm's way. "Woah! Thank you Sarabi," Mufasa shouted as he backed up away from the tree. The tree falling did not help with how scared they were for their son as it only increased the dangers outside in the storm. In the end they had to give up their search and head back towards Pride Rock, hoping that Simba had found his way back by himself.

"Mom!" a voice shouted from across the den. The dripping wet Queen looked up to see her son running towards her. "Oh Simba my sweet boy! You're ok. We were so worried when you didn't come back with Nala. Are you hurt?" Sarabi exclaimed as she nuzzled and licked her son. "No mom, I'm fine," he said as he nuzzled her back and brushed up against her legs. "Where's dad?" he asked. "He should be here soon, he wanted to continue looking for you," she said as she continued to embrace her son, grateful that he was ok. Suddenly, a dripping wet lion came in behind them and was attacked by a small bundle of fur. "DAD!" Simba exclaimed. "Simba! How'd you come back. Are you ok?" Mufasa said frantically. "Yeh I'm ok dad. I found my way back by myself," he said proudly. The King smiled and nuzzled his son, happy that finally ALL animals were accounted for and his son was safe and sound. However it was getting late now, and after an eventful day it was time to go to bed. Mufasa picked up his son by the scruff of his neck and headed towards their rock bed. Sarabi was licking herself dry and as Mufasa dropped Simba into her paws she proceeded to do the same to him. "Mommmm! It's fine. I'm already dry," he whined. "Simba, it's storming outside and it is going to be cold tonight. I want you to be completely dry so that you don't become sick," she said as she continued to lick him. Simba huffed as he patiently sat there and waited for his mother to finish. Finally, the whole family was ready for bed. Simba snuggled up in his father's mane, happy to be warm and closed his eyes, sighing contently. Mufasa and Sarabi glanced at each other and then looked down at their now sleeping son. Sarabi nuzzled Mufasa's mane and leaned against him. Mufasa licked his mate on the top of her head before giving his son a small lick too and closing his eyes too.

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