A New Friend

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It was a brand new day in the Pridelands. The sun was shining, fluffy white clouds were drifting across the blue sky and there was a slight breeze in the air. However on this perfect day, a certain someone was sulking. This was none other than the princess of the Pridelands, Kiara. With a heavy sigh Kiara slowly stood up and walked outside into the sunlight, the light blinding her eyes. "Morning sweetheart," her mother said, smiling. Upon seeing her daughter pouting, she frowned and approached Kiara. "Hey what's wrong?" she asked. "I'm bored. There's no one to play with and I'm always up here on this stupid rock all alone," she replied. Nala could see the dilemma. She was fortunate enough to have Simba to play with when she was younger but unfortunately there weren't any other cubs in the Pride for her daughter to play with. "I know honey, but what about you go and explore the Pridelands? Maybe you'll meet a friend," she suggested. Kiara immediately lit up and looked up at her mother. "Really! I can go play outside?" she exclaimed. Nala nodded and before she knew it Kiara had bounded down the steps of Priderock and was racing out towards the Pridelands. The Queen chuckled slightly, her daughter was the spitting image of her father. She'd have to speak to him about letting Kiara out to explore. Afterall, she was old enough now and it was time for her to investigate the world on her own. Her thoughts were interrupted by none other than the King himself. They greeted each other with a gentle head rub and nuzzle. "Where have you been all morning?" she asked. "Zazu tends to go on and on for ages," he said smiling. "Ah I see," she replied, smiling too. "Is Kiara not up yet?" he then asked. Nala stifled a chuckle before replying. "Oh she is up alright. She just left a minute ago," she explained. Simba titled his head in confusion. "Left?" he asked. Nala sighed. "Yes Simba, I let her go out and explore the Pridelands. It's time! She is the exact same age as we were when we left on our own and she will be fine," she said. "I just wish that you'd talked to me first. Before letting her go, I mean," he replied. Nala smiled up at him lovingly. "Simba, it's not like it's a secret. We've been discussing this for days, weeks even!" she continued explaining as she gently nudged him. "I'm afraid I have to go now Simba, the lionesses are waiting for me and I don't want to keep them waiting," she said. "No, no, of course, go. I have to get going on patrol anyways too," he replied. She gave him a sympathetic look and a quick lick before walking over to where the rest of the pride were waiting. As the lionesses set out to hunt, the King made his way out into the Pridelands to carry out the duties Zazu had talked to him about earlier.


"Hey, come back!" Kiara shouted, out of breath from chasing a grasshopper around. As it landed on a blade of grass she crouched down low and pounced, only to reveal nothing but grass underneath her paws. She pouted. This was another miss and Kiara was getting tired of playing the 'pounce on an insect' game all by herself. All of a sudden she saw another opportunity for a pouncing game. One that was a bit more exciting and didn't include bugs. As quietly as she could she crept along the ground to get a little closer before jumping out of the tall grass. The princess landed face first in the dirt. "OUCH!" she cried and stood up to rub her nose which was now throbbing. "Hey are you okay?" a voice asked. Kiara turned and stood face to face with a fox who, by the looks of it, was the owner of the tail she tried to pounce on earlier. "Yeah, I'm okay. Are you? Sorry I tried to pounce on you," she said apologetically. The fox laughed a little. "Me? Pounce on me? That would never happen. I'd just hear you coming," he explained as he pointed to his ears. The princess chuckled a little at this remark and the fox smiled. "Why did you pounce on me though?" he asked. Kiara shrugged. "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with," she sighed. "Do you maybe wanna play together then?" the fox suggested. Kiara's eyes widened. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "I'm Kani by the way," the fox stated. "I'm Kiara," she replied. Kani looked at her. "Wait, as in Princess Kiara?" he questioned. "Yeah, is that a problem?" she asked, unsure of what he'd think. "Of course not! Wanna play tag?" he asked. Kiara smiled and nodded before the pair ran off.

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