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This is getting worse. When did it start again?

A girl stealing food in my grocery. Now. Two high school students. One is loud, the other, is.. okay.

"Guys. For the third time.." I looked back at Minju and Yujin, who just stopped from laughing. "... keep it down" I said, composed. But deep inside, I'm going to burst.

Like how they replied before, they just nod. Smiling. Arghh I hate it.

I rolled my eyes and turned back, walking again.

Agreeing to let these two join the 'adventure', has two reasons. One is for protection. I wouldn't get to be eaten first if there's many options. Two is just Minju.

I don't know why but it's just her. I'm happy that she isn't bugging me with questions anymore. But her and her new companion is too loud.

They'd probably would get eaten first. Just like in movies. Those who flirts too much, dies at the very beginning.

"You two knew each other?" the tall girl asked, looking back at Minju. Wonyoung is it?

"Nope.. Just her name" I replied shortly. "How about you two?" I asked back. Just to keep the conversation going.

I need a distraction from the noise behind me.

She smiles sweetly before answering. Oh boy, I can smell something here.

"Well, we're classmates and neighbors" she said unsure.

"Friends?" I asked again. She frowns. "Yes, I guess so" she said, sounds like convincing herself. I shake my head. They're complicated, I guess.

I stopped in my tracks. Ahead I can see little figure of houses and buildings. We're out of the woods. I took out my map to check where should we go next.

"This way" I said. Taking my gun out then started walking. They followed. Luckily the two flirts finally stop from talking too much.

"Wow. How do you know the way?" Wonyoung asked. I pursed my lips "I have a map and track a few kilometers towards Busan" I answered.

"Yeah, she got the whole adventure planned from where to go and what to do. She's amazing" Minju added from the back.

Compliments. Again.

"Wow" Wonyoung reacted. I shrugged.

We passed by a neighborhood, just staying out of the streets by taking a path through the side. I don't want to waste my time dealing with those things early in the walked.

We also passed by a plain. Reminds me of the good old days. Doing picnics and just relaxing till it hit sunset.

We're now currently skipping through buildings and establishments. Those things are slower at day so it wouldn't be a lot to handle. I bet these kids can run fast. Well, except for one, I guess.

When we were in the middle of our small run. A loud voice rings all over the empty street.

"Stop." I told them quietly and ducked my head down. I walk towards a huge trash bin. The others followed in suit.

Then I hide behind a wall of a store, looking back to see if they're following me.

I peeked my head out. "Lucas! HELP!" the girl shouted. Her back is on the hood of the car. She's using an umbrella to stop the thing from bitting her. Then after seconds, a door, not to far away from me opens.

I sigh. She's safe now.

I walked back to where we stopped before.  Pulled out my map again, to recheck the destination.

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