(TW) Strangers

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"You guys sure?"

Wonyoung and Yujin nodded. "It will be better that way.." Yujin stated. "Plus this isn't new to us.." Wonyoung added.

I let out a sigh. I guess they win.

I took out my gun and offered it to Yujin. She stared at it, wide eyes. "You're letting me have this?!" she sound excited.

She took a hold of it and aims it anywhere, making Minju ducked andcovered her head, hiding behind me. I shake my head. Am I making the right decision?

"Just for now Ahn Yujin.. and please put it down you're scaring Minju" I said, laughing at the end.

"Do you know how to use it?" I asked. She stood straight in salute position. "Yes ma'am, yes!" she answered, acting like a soldier. Seriously this child.

"Show me." I replied, challenging her.

"Ok good. Go to that tower once you found water already" I informed them, pointing at the distant signal tower ahead.

"Okay!" they said in unison. "If it's already 2pm and whether you find anything or none. You need to go there already, okay?" they nodded again.

"See you later babies." I said, earning a loud groan from Wonyoung, before walking off.

We decided to split into two and go to different direction. The high schoolers suggested that it would be faster if we split. There weren't much of those things around so, I agreed. I'm with the frog and Yujin's with Wonyoung. At first, it was Yujin with Minju and me with the youngest one.

But Wonyoung disagreed with the sequence. Minju and Yujin's combination would be too loud and unsafe, she thought, they would be just get more prone to danger. Which is true, for me. And that makes the pairs now.

Yujin somehow shuts up around Wonyoung. The younger one scolds her everytime she do something childish or dumb. They're cute.

"What are you thinking?"

I jumped in surprised. Really? when will she stop?
I glared at her "Nothing", i said shortly. I heard her huff.

"Yujin would much be fun" she whispered. Doesn't she knows she's beside me? This idiot.

"Well I'm sorry" I said, not looking at her. Even right now, she's thinking about that pup. Tch.

"I-I-I-I didn't mean it like t-that" she stumbled through her words. Guilty. She's guilty.

I walked in a small house, quickly looking for the kitchen, leaving her behind. Does she ever even think about me? I mean, like I care, but why is it always that annoying dog?

"You don't talk much.. like right now.. you're ignoring me" she said, while following me around.

When we found the kitchen, I immediately turn on the faucet.


"Let's look around more" I said, walking past her.
Throughout the whole 'Finding Waterz' mission, as Yujin called it. Minju stayed quiet after I stop giving her answers. We've checked, a few more houses looking for water, but there's nothing.

I look over my wrist watch and it says '11:37'. We still have time. I hope Yujin and Wonyoung could make it. I left my gun to Yujin's care, but I doubt that she'll use it right when something happens. I could picture her panicking and running off first before Wonyoung.

Wonyoung looks tough, on the other hand. However, she looks too young and innocent. She's decieving. But I have a feeling that they could make it. They made it without me and Minju before. They're a good pair.

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