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"Unnie why can't I join with you and Yena unnie?" Yujin said, whining. Tugging my shirt with force.

"Yah yah stop" I said, glaring at her.

She wanted to join me and Yena in stealing guns from a nearby mall with a gun store.

The idea was from Hyewon. She said, that those bastards have been eyeing the store and she heard them talked about the late gun store there. I wouldn't call it stealing, you know. Everything is free right now.

However, Yujin keeps on whining. I can't let her come with us. The mall was and still a dense place. There would be a lot walkers inside or even outside. It would be a big risk to take her.

Yena, as Eunbi mentioned, is very careful in handling such situations. She said, we could make a good pair so she asked Yena to join me, which the latter happily agreed, knowing that she'll go further distant.

After arranging my bag, I put it on and turned to Yujin. Who's pouting at the moment. Cute. I pat her head, "It's very dangerous out there Yujin.." she just pouts more. I know she understands the situation, but I know that she just wanted to help too.

Wonyoung suddenly emerges from my sight. My lips form a smirk. "Wonyoung would be so worried if you'll tag along" I said, making her eyes go wide. She looks down, surely flustered.

"Let's go now Chaewon-ah" Yena called, putting on her backpack with a pout. Why?

I pat Yujin's shoulder then gave Wonyoung a wink. "Wony take care of Yujin, ok?" I said, walking off quickly. Leaving Wonyoung in a blushing mess.

I look back and waved. "Bye babies" I said, giggling at thier annoyed reaction.

"Babies?" Yena chimes in as we walk through the woods. "Yeah they're my babies" I replied.


"So, you and Minju?" the duck asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" I asked back. She only roll her eyes. "Oh come on. You two are doing it?" cocking her eyebrows with a mischievous smile.

What the fuck?

I look at her with a disgusted face. I can't believe she's thinking like that. "Oh my-- I can't believe you.." I said, walking faster ahead, just to make a distance between us.

If only Chaeyeon's here with me instead of this duck, shw wouldn't ask questions like this. But since her over possessive Japanese girlfriend.. I don't know if they are but whatever. If it's not just because of Sakura, the walk would be peaceful.

Unfortunately, this duck didn't stop asking questions or talking about random things we saw through our path. It's draining honestly. I feel like I ran a mile already. But Eunbi-unnie said, she'll be a great help, so I agreed.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood.. seems like you're irritated with the new girl" she said. I let out a sigh, I'm quite worried.

Her and Eunbi decided to go the building near the border since it's just only few hours walk through the camp. Only just to check and for us to have an insight with what we're going.  If she isn't true with her words and put Eunbi in danger too. I don't know anymore.

The thought of Eunbi-unnie being in danger too makes me feel more and more uneasy. The thought of lacking with emotional and mental support from her frightens me. I can't do this alone. I'm not good at leading things. I act impulsive sometimes. With my emotions as a great factor. Eunbi-unnie thinks rational and reasonable. She knows who to trust and not. I need her. So this Hyewon better act nice.

"We're near" Yena snapped me back to reality.

Ahead, I can see both tall and small establishments of any kind in despair. Ruined. I look over our map, that Hyewon drew for us. I don't trust this map. What if she's setting us up? Who knows?

But what could I do, We're here already. "This way" I said, slowly running to where we'll go. I saw Yena brought her knife up, so I took my gun out too.

Buildings after alleys after buildings, we can finally see the mall with our bare eyes. The place is covered with dirt. There are debris all around the place and small veiny plants started to grow everywhere possible.

I took out my binoculars to have a better view.
"Looks like the new girl is right.." I said, dragging my sight up to the outdoor escalator going towards an entrance for the second floor.

The duck hums. ".. we're taking that escalator.. the entrance up there looks clear" I said earning a nod from her. Without any other thought, we immediately jogs towards the escalator, which is now a staircase. When reached the top step, Yena carefully scans around the inside, letting me stay behind, in case something happens.

When she told me that it's clear, i quickly joined her. "Hyewon-ssi is telling the truth.. there's no walkers at here at this floor." Yena stated, looking around the area.

I'm relieved that she's telling the truth. But that's not what is important right now. We need to find the store. "Malls have maps right?" I asked, remembering a funny incident of me looking through a mall map because Jackson set me up in a date.

Meanwhile, Yena nodded. After minutes of looking around we found a map near an arcade. It was probably placed there because most of the kids went there.

We found out that the gun store is at the third floor. "We should take this stair" Yena said, pointing at the stair at the far end and it's nearer to the gun store. It's a great idea actually.

I gave her a thumbs and nod then we proceed to the stair with her leading the way. I'm almost amazed about the stair thing but as we reached the floor, I almost laugh.

This isn't the stair that's near the store. We took the wrong stair. She put her hands on her head, acting shock and dramatic. Her face screams disappointment.

Seriously, who wouldn't laugh to that? I fake cough halting her from her dramatic act. "Let's just run across carefully" I whispered to her.

She look across and nod then we started so walk quietly. There wasn't much of walkers honestly, as we walk I can only see one or two in the stores. They were must be the attendants there.

We reached the store without any problem. And Hyewon was right. It's full. Different kind of gun are sprawled out in the wall. Some are on the ground already.

"Wow" is all Yena could say with her mouth open.
"Close your mouth and bag everything you can" I said then started to do it myself.


1144 words-
short chap and probably a filler
I've decided to cut this chap off or else it'll be longer
Thanks for the read
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