Moving out?.2

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3rd person's POV

"M-minju I'm sorr--"

Chaewon was cut off as Minju threw herself to her. Chaewon breath hitched as she feels Minju's arms wrapped around her securely.

It took her time to process everything but Chaewon knows she needed to stop the girl from crying.

She hugs her back. Caressing Minju's hair softly while patting her back.

"It's okay. It's okay." She wisphers. After minutes Minju's cry die out on its own, then she pulled back from Chaewon. As much as she wants to stay on that position, it's embarrassing that she stained other girl's clothes.

She look down and let out a small 'sorry' and Chaewon quickly shush her.

Then it was silent.

She look up and saw Chaewon looking at her sadly, eyes swollen.

"I hate seeing you cry" Chaewon spoke first not breaking her gaze off Minju. She lifts up her hand and caress Minju's cheek.

Minju's tears starts to flow again as she sees Chaewon failing to stop hers. Her heart feels so light with the words, but she hates seeing Chaewon cry too.

The cub wipes the tears using her thumb, not caring about her own tears. "I'm so sorry Minju" Chaewon said, enough to give up on her edge.

She broke down. It hurts her a lot. It hurts her to see Minju suffering because she thought it's her fault.

Chaewon cries out loud for the first time since her brother and stepmom died.

Feeling enough embarrassment, she wipes her cheeks stupidly then looks at the girl infront of her. She cups Minju's cheeks again and brushes off the latter trails of tears.

Chaewon smiles widely then leans in to give Minju a kiss on the forehead. Minju mirrors the cub's smile through her tears. As Chaewon lean back, Minju wipes the cub's cheeks with the her  sleeve.

Chaewon giggles. "We're a mess" she said, making Minju smile widely. Then she hugs Chaewon again, suddenly missing the comfort of her arm around her.

"Aigoo~" the older said laughing at Minju's action. Nonetheless, she hugs her back tightly.  Feeling the tension lifted, she started to tease the younger. "If you want to continue this hugging, move back to our room" Chaewon said smiling.

Minju just slaps her shoulder but then continue to nuzzle on Chaewon neck.


Chaewon's POV


I immediately stood up and rush towards Minju, who's trashing her arms and legs at the bed.

"Hey hey Minju.." I said trying to wake her up from her nightmare. Her eyes flew open along with her own tears.

'Damnit'  I hate it. I gave her a small smile despite feeling like my heart is being squeezed at the sight. She's scared and clueless.

I found myself cupping her cheek. "It's me. It's me" I muttered softly.

Her eyes calmed then pulled me in a hug. "I'm sorry.. stay here please" she said weakly.

I sigh, "Ok" and lays down beside her.

Minju agreed to go back to our room. I'm happy and also scared that she might flip everytime with this sudden change. But she agreed and told me that it's ok and that she's fine. I didn't know what to do but I end up suggesting that I would sleep at the floor so she can have the bed herself. Although the bed itself is huge for two people, I still didn't want her to be uncomfortable with someone being in the same bed or space with her. Eunbi-unnie told me that she sleeps at the sofa for Minju's sake. So I thought that I should do what Eunbi did.

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