The Afterpain

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3rd Person's POV


Chaewon took the seat across Yuri who's smiling. The rest froze at the sight. Not hearing a response or even a noise Chaewon threw her attention around only to see the everybody froze at their spot.

She chuckled, "What? Do I look like a ghost?" she jokes. Yena then shakes her head weirdly trying to process if what she's seeing is real.

"Are you ok with this now?" Yena asks, duck lips slightly open. Eunbi wanted to smack Yena for asking such question but she cant as she's too far away for her at the table. However, Chaewon just shrugs, "Yes, I'm still welcome right?"  she asks playfully.

"Of-of course! Yay!" Sakura said clapping nervously making Chaeyeon laugh loudly. Then the dinner went with laughter and endless bickering and flirting.


A week had passed and Chaewon made a huge progress.

From joining the group in meals to doing the things she normally do before.

She sits down tiredly to at the bench table dropping her gun at the top, catching her breath.

"I'M DYING" Yena said exaggeratly, mouth open facing up. Looking like a fish catching for air. Chaewon laughs at the scene. She's starting to like Yena's company as they find food outside the fence. It has been funny as Chaewon found it.

"What is it this time?" Eunbi asked Chaewon taking the bag of goods. "Yena- unnie told me not to kill a duck.." she said pointing at Yena. Yena's eyes widen feeling betrayed. She told Chaewon not to tell anybody about that.

"Only because she said it could be her father!" Chaewon added, letting out her the laugh she's containing.

"Yah! It could be!" Yena stood up.

"You don't even know if it's a male! pabo!"

Eunbi just smiles at the sight of Chaewon finally in great progress and laughing. "What's the menu?" Hyewon appears behind Eunbi's shoulder, scaring her. She closes her eyes. It wasn't the only time Hyewon did that but it still get her. Although she likes the younger's presence around her, she hates how Hyewon choose ways to approach her, literally.

"Jisoo's fries. Please Hyewon" she said annoyed.

"Please what?" Hyewon ask unbothered. Sitting at the bench, placing her head at the top of her palm. Looking at Eunbi.

Eunbi just stares back, challenging the girl.

Two other girls seem to notice the tension. Yena coughs loudly, making Eunbi flinch, flushed. While Chaewon just shakes her head in amusement.

"Oh here. Catch!" Yena said, throwing a bag of chips to Hyewon, who catches the things coolly.
"Thanks Ducky" then she gave her a thumbs up before feasting.

"Oi. Oi. What's that for?" Eunbi asked Yena.

"For her to stop bothering Joyul" the duck said arms crossed. Hyewon just did another thumbs up, supporting Yena.

"Tsk tsk. People here are getting weird" Chaewon said nonchalant.

"You know what's weirder?" Hyewon butt in. The other three grew confused. "The noises at KkuChaen's room"

"Eww! Disgustang!"

"The heck?!"

"That's really unnecessary"

Hyewon let out a laugh at the responses she got.
"Y'all having fun without us?"

Four heads snapped towards the door. Hyewon was the first one to talk "Speaking of" she smirks.

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